Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee

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Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee
Sponsorship Alexian Brothers Foundation
place Berlin
Coordinates 52 ° 33 '3 "  N , 13 ° 28' 5"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 33 '3 "  N , 13 ° 28' 5"  E
management Iris Hauth (Regional Managing Director, Medical Director)
Frank Schubert (Commercial Director)
Frauke Förster (Nursing Director)
beds Psychiatry / psychotherapy: 226
Neurology: 49
partial inpatient places: 86 (as of 2020)
Employee 733 (as of 2020)
areas of expertise Neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics
Affiliation Alexianer GmbH
founding Late 19th century
Template: Infobox_Hospital / Doctors_missing

The Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee is a Catholic specialist hospital for neurology , psychiatry , psychotherapy and psychosomatics in the Berlin district of Weißensee, which was established at the end of the 19th century. The hospital has four clinics (clinic for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics, clinic for neurology, clinic for addiction medicine and clinic for mental health in old age), six day clinics and two psychiatric institute outpatient departments. There is also a medical care center (MVZ) and two nursing homes for the elderly. These four business areas are combined in the Alexianer St. Joseph Berlin-Weißensee GmbH. There is also an independent radiological practice on the premises .



Historic three-gable building of the Alexian St. Joseph Hospital in Berlin-Weißensee

In gratitude for the self-sacrificing care of a Catholic citizen from Berlin, his widow offered the Alexian Brothers, an order of nursing , an inexpensive piece of land outside Berlin. Through a contact that arose as a result, the religious acquired a farm with 60 hectares of land in Weißensee. As early as 1888, the Alexian brothers applied to be allowed to build and operate a nursing home for mad men there. With a sum of 388,000 marks, the large three-gabled main house was built on the property and opened on June 22nd, 1893 as a "sanatorium for men with mental illnesses and nerves".

Catholic house in the GDR

The construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 and the associated division of Germany meant a major turning point for the St Joseph Hospital. The GDR government showed little interest in supporting a Catholic specialist clinic, which the house in Berlin-Weißensee had meanwhile developed into. It therefore required the intervention of the Berlin bishop and later Cardinal Alfred Bengsch . He consistently advocated maintaining the facility as a specialist clinic. The Alexian brothers then handed over the management of the house to the bishop and a newly established board of trustees. In this way, the clinic was able to develop further despite the difficult political and material circumstances.


Feng Shui glass wall at the main entrance

The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 meant another upheaval for St. Joseph Hospital. In 1990 the Alexian brothers took over the management of the house again. In 1992 they handed this over to Reinhard Nieper, a young managing director, who not only implemented planned structural measures, but also laid the strategic foundations for the future together with those responsible in the company. In the early 1990s, the Institute's Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic (PIA) was established at the Weißensee location. In 1993 the hospital in Berlin-Weißensee celebrated its 100th anniversary. In 1997 the new Bischof-Ketteler-Haus senior nursing home began operations on the grounds of the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital. The hospital received the supply contract for the Prenzlauer Berg district . In the same year, the Prenzlauer Berg day clinic was opened. When it was founded, a second psychiatric institute outpatient clinic (PIA) was added in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. The Pankow day clinic opened in 1999 . In 2001 the sports therapy hall was opened, the hospital chapel was renovated and the south wing was completely renovated. In addition, the main entrance was relocated to the center of the main house based on the historical model and clad with a Feng Shui glass wall. An important step in securing the future of the house was the acquisition of the compulsory supply contract for the new large district of Pankow with a total of around 340,000 inhabitants at the time.


Historic and modern architecture of the hospital

In 1998 Iris Hauth took over the medical responsibility for the St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee and promoted the differentiation of psychiatry in the following years: A department for geriatric psychiatry (clinic for mental health in old age) with an attached day clinic as well as a clinic for addiction medicine and a residential association for the care of people with addiction disorders was opened in the former head doctor's villa. The acute wards and day clinics of the hospital specialized in diagnosis groups in order to be able to offer treatment in line with guidelines. Thomas Müller has headed the Department of Neurology since 2007. This is recognized beyond the region due to its proven expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. In 2010 the offer was expanded to include a so-called §116b outpatient clinic for the treatment of people with multiple sclerosis.

The clinic has been the MS focus center of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society since 2019 . To strengthen outpatient treatment, a medical care center (MVZ) for general medicine , neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy was established at the St. Joseph Hospital in 2006 . A quality and risk management with external certification confirmed the quality level of the hospital. In addition, the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital is an "Academic Teaching Hospital for Nursing".


The patron saint of the Alexian St. Joseph Hospital is St. Joseph . He came from the line of King David and was himself a simple carpenter from Nazareth. His actions were characterized by responsibility, fulfillment of duty and modesty.

Clinics and departments

Department of Neurology

The Department of Neurology diagnoses and treats diseases of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system . It has outstanding expertise in the treatment of Parkinson's disease , multiple sclerosis , dementias and complex pain disorders . With the § 116b ambulance SGB V supply for people with multiple sclerosis is supplemented by complex outpatient treatment. Since October 2019, the Clinic for Neurology has been a MS focus center in accordance with the guidelines of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society. V. The clinic conducts clinical studies in the in-house study outpatient department.

Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics

All mental illnesses are diagnosed and treated in the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. The clinic specializes in the diagnosis and therapy of depression , bipolar disorders , schizophrenia , anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, somatoform and psychosomatic disorders, mental disorders before and after childbirth, as well as the treatment of personality disorders and crisis intervention . The Berlin Senate has commissioned the clinic to provide mandatory care for citizens of the Pankow district (Weißensee, Pankow, Prenzlauer Berg) with around 408,000 inhabitants (as of 2019). The hospital has 226 inpatient treatment places, 86 semi-inpatient places in four psychiatric-psychotherapeutic day clinics, a psychiatric outpatient clinic with two locations and a medical care center (MVZ) with 6.5 seats to fulfill the care contract.

Day clinics


The Acute Complex Crisis Intervention (AKI) day clinic at the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee is aimed at people in a severe psychological crisis for whom inpatient treatment seems unfavorable or not desired. The aim is to avoid or shorten hospital stays with greater involvement of individual resources. One component of the therapy concept is outreach treatment.

St. Bernhard day clinic

The acute psychiatric psychotherapeutic day clinic St. Bernhard is located on the clinic premises of the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee. She specializes in the treatment of depressive disorders, anxiety and panic disorders and personality disorders.

St. Hildegard day clinic

The psychological-psychotherapeutic day clinic St. Hildegard is located on the clinic premises of the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee. The day clinic focuses on the treatment of acute stress reactions, depressive disorders, and anxiety and panic disorders.

St. Martha day clinic

The psychiatric-psychotherapeutic day clinic St. Martha in the Prenzlauer Berg district (Pankow district) was opened in 1997. She specializes in the treatment of depression, bipolar anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, adjustment disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, personality disorders and psychoses. The psychotherapeutic focus of the day-clinic treatment is depth psychologically sound group therapy.

St. Lukas day clinic

The St. Lukas psychosomatic day clinic has been located in the Berlin district of Pankow since 1999. A semi-inpatient treatment option with a focus on deep psychological psychotherapy is offered there. The focus is on the treatment of overload reactions, depressive disorders, anxiety and panic disorders, personality disorders (e.g. borderline) and post-traumatic stress disorders. A special range of therapies is aimed at people with experiences of violence and complex traumas.


The Medical Care Center (MVZ) at the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee was founded in 2005 and is a subsidiary of the Alexianer St. Joseph Berlin-Weißensee GmbH. The outpatient offer, which is aimed at legally and privately insured patients from all districts, is independent of inpatient or outpatient treatment in the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital. The MVZ treats in the following areas: general medicine, neurology, psychiatry and psychological psychotherapy. There is close cooperation between the MVZ and the hospital.

Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinics (PIA)

The psychiatric institute outpatient clinic at the Weißensee location offers outpatient treatment in the field of chronic mental illnesses as well as addiction medicine and geriatric psychiatry. Another psychiatric outpatient department is located in Prenzlauer Berg.

Addiction Medicine Clinic

The clinic for addiction medicine specializes in the treatment of addiction disorders and qualified withdrawal. The offer of the St. Monika residential association belonging to the clinic is aimed at people who want to live their life free of alcohol and drugs.

Residential association St. Monika

The Alexianer Wohnverbund St. Monika, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the hospital, has been offering various types of accommodation for people with addictions and possibly an additional psychiatric illness since 1996. The offers of the Wohnverbund are open to people who want to make their life alcohol and drug free and need support. In the residential community, a care team made up of social workers and social pedagogues, nurses, educators and occupational therapists as well as housekeeping staff accompanies patients in everyday life and helps them lead a self-determined life.

Clinic for Mental Health in Old Age

The Clinic for Mental Health in Old Age focuses on the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and memory disorders in old age. A memory clinic is affiliated.

Memory clinic / day memory clinic

The memory clinic clarifies memory disorders. The affiliated day clinic examines whether it is an incipient dementia process, depression, or age-appropriate memory performance.

Retirement homes

Bischof-Ketteler-Haus senior care home

The Bischof-Ketteler -Haus senior care home offers space for 120 residents. In six living areas, 20 residents each live in single or double rooms with a shower room. The offer includes full inpatient care, preventive care and a protected living area for people with severe dementia.

St. Alexius retirement home

In the St. Alexius nursing home, 150 senior citizens live in six living areas, each with 23 single and one double rooms. The patron saint of the house is Saint Alexius , who had always put his life in the service of his fellow men and is now considered a model for following Christ. The nursing home for the elderly offers assisted living, preventive care and full inpatient care.


  • Focus seal : the hospital has been on the Focus clinic list since 2015. From 2015 to 2017 it was one of the TOP national hospitals. In 2018 it was also a TOP regional hospital. In 2019, the award as a TOP regional hospital was renewed.
  • DGPPN clinic certification as an institution for further medical training : In March 2011, the clinic for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics at the Alexian St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee was certified for the first time by the DGPPN. The recertification took place in March 2020.
  • MS focus center according to the guidelines of the DMSG e. V .: In October 2019, the Neurology Clinic was again designated as the MS focus center of the DMSG e. V. excellent.
  • Academic teaching hospital for nursing : In 2017, the Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee received the certificate "Academic teaching hospital for nursing" from the FOM University.
  • BUND “Energy-saving hospital” seal of approval : In 2004, the Alexian St. Joseph Hospital was awarded the BUND “Energy-saving hospital” seal of approval for the first time. The fourth recertification took place in 2019. The seal is awarded nationwide to hospitals for special achievements in climate protection.

Web links

Commons : St. Joseph Hospital (Berlin-Weißensee)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Company and Structure - Alexianer Berlin Weissensee. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  2. Radiological Practice - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  3. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee (ed.): Anniversary brochure: 125 years for people - with people . Berlin 2018, p. 37 ( [PDF]).
  4. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee (ed.): Anniversary brochure: 125 years for people - with people . Berlin 2018, p. 43 f . ( [PDF]).
  5. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee (ed.): Anniversary brochure: 125 years for people - with people . Berlin 2018, p. 47 ( [PDF]).
  6. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee (ed.): Anniversary brochure: 125 years for people - with people . Berlin 2018, p. 51 ( [PDF]).
  7. a b c St. Joseph Hospital becomes "MS focus center". Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  8. Quality and Transparency - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  9. a b FOM University of Economics & Management, non-profit company: the Alexianer Clinic becomes “Academic Teaching Hospital for Nursing”. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  10. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee (ed.): Anniversary brochure: 125 years for people - with people . S. 6 ( [PDF]).
  11. ↑ Range of services in the Department of Neurology - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  12. Study Outpatient Neurology - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  13. Illnesses Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  14. ^ Company and structure - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  15. ^ AKI acute complex crisis intervention - Alexianer Berlin Weissensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  16. St. Bernhard, AKUT-Psychiatrisch-Psychotherapeutische Tagesklinik Weißensee - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .
  17. a b Awards - Alexianer Berlin Weißensee. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  18. Alexianer St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Weißensee - BUND seal of approval "Energy-saving hospital". Retrieved June 3, 2020 .