Alfons David

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Alfons David (born June 13, 1866 in Speyer , † June 11, 1954 in Pasadena (California) , USA ) was an imperial judge .


He passed the first state examination in 1888 (sufficient) and the second in 1892 (good). He became an assessor in 1893. He found employment as an assistant judge at the District Court of Cologne , District Court Elberfeld and Local Court Trier , District Court of Dusseldorf and Cologne Regional Court . In 1901 he became a local judge at the local court in Opladen . In 1906 he became a district judge at the Cologne district court, and in 1907 a district judge. In 1909 he was appointed senior judge at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court . On February 1, 1918, he was appointed Reich judge and in 1929 Senate President. David was chairman of the newly created 8th civil senate at the Reichsgericht in Leipzig and president of one of the senates of the court of honor for lawyers. His retirement on August 1, 1933, was preceded by a leave of absence from Reich Court President Erwin Bumke in March 1933. In March 1933, the head of the legal department of the NSDAP in Saxony and Thuringia, Johannes Weygand (1884–1963) had taken “offense” at David's Jewish denomination (“Israelite”). The NSDAP demanded that David resign from his position as President of the Court of Honor. David's leave of absence in March anticipated the law of April 7, 1933 "to restore the civil service" .

The so-called “ front fighter privilege ” of § 3 II 1 applied formally to most of the councilors of the Reichsgericht because they began their professional career before August 1, 1914. However, when it came into force, in addition to the only Jewish Senate President David, another six judges, including Alexander Baumgarten , and a Reich attorney were removed from the service, all of whom were of Jewish descent according to the criteria at the time, after all the lawyers concerned had already been given leave of absence on April 1, 1933.

At the end of January 1939 he moved to Wiltz in Luxembourg and emigrated to the USA at the beginning of March 1939. David died in the United States in 1954.

He describes the behavior of his colleagues as follows:

"On inevitable encounterings on the street the Chief Justice approached a window of a shop to avoid a greeting - in sharp contrast to such behavior was the unconcerned friendliness of the Chief Burgomaster Goerdeler who greeted me openly in presence of the partymember who was appointed as his assistant ... (In the event of unavoidable meetings on the street, the President of the Reichsgericht would turn to a shop window to avoid a greeting. In sharp contrast to this is the unclouded friendliness of Mayor Goerdelers, who openly greeted me in the presence of the party member who was assigned to him as assistant ). "


His daughter, Luise David, married Rudolph Minkowski , a famous astrophysicist , in 1926 .


  • Friedrich Karl Kaul : History of the Reichsgericht. Volume IV: 1933-1945. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1971.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Karl Kaul , History of the Reichsgericht, Volume IV (1933–1945), East Berlin 1971, pp. 53f.
  2. Alfons David, The German Supreme Court and I. Manuscript 5. S. without location, without date (approx. 1945/46) quoted from Wolfgang Schwiedrzik: Dear I want to knock stones - the philosopher and educator Theodor Litt in Leipzig. Leipzig 1997, ISBN 3-931922-52-9 , p. 17. Fn. 24.
  3. National Academy of Sciences (US) (ed.): Biographical memoirs. Volume 54, p. 273.

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See also