Alfons Rigott

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Alfons Rigott (born July 31, 1929 in Kaltern ; † February 21, 2013 ) was a German-speaking Italian local politician from South Tyrol .

Political career

Rigott lived in the village of Kaltern and worked there as a baker and innkeeper. In the 1960s he was involved in the newly founded Social Progressive Party (SFP) of Egmont Jenny , for which he was elected to the local council of Kalter in 1969. In 1972 Rigott was a founding member of the Social Democratic Party of South Tyrol (SPS); In 1973 he ran for this party in the state elections and in 1974, under the sign of the SPS, won a municipal council mandate in his home municipality for a further legislative period. In 1975 Rigott finally moved up as the first non-elected member of the SPS state parliament list for Hans Dietl, who was in poor health, to the South Tyrolean state parliament and, at the same time, to the regional council of Trentino-South Tyrol ; However, Rigott did not set any major accents as a member of parliament. His mandate in the state parliament officially ended in 1978. However, due to internal party conflicts, Rigott was excluded from the SPS during the current legislative period.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The candidates of the Social Democratic Party of South Tyrol. (PDF file; 115 KB) (No longer available online.) Website of the South Tyrolean Regional Library “Dr. Friedrich Teßmann ” , archived from the original on October 11, 2014 ; Retrieved on March 6, 2013 (title page of Südtiroler Nachrichten , No. 7, 11th year, October 1973).
  2. Joachim Gatterer: "Red mites in the plumage". Social democratic, communist and green alternative party politics in South Tyrol . Studienverlag, Innsbruck / Vienna / Bozen 2009, ISBN 978-3-7065-4648-5 , pp. 50 and 77f.