Alfred Brüstlein

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Alfred Brüstlein (born April 3, 1853 in Basel , † April 6, 1924 in Milan ) was a Swiss lawyer and politician .


Alfred Brüstlein, son of a merchant and rentier who immigrated from Mulhouse in Alsace , completed a law degree in Basel, Paris and Leipzig , which he obtained with a doctorate in law. iur. completed. 1882-1891 he was editor of the Swiss border post . 1891–1918 he lived in Bern , where he was director of the Federal Office for Debt Collection and Bankruptcy from 1891–1895 and as a lawyer from 1896–1918.

Brüstelin was also politically active. At first liberal, he approached the Social Democratic Party (SP) in the mid-1890s . From 1899–1905 he was the Bernese Grand Councilor, after the parliamentary elections in 1902 he sat until 1911 as a representative of the canton of Basel-Stadt in the National Council , the largest parliamentary chamber in Switzerland. Politically and professionally hostile, he moved to Paris in 1919.

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