Alfred book

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Franz Alfred Buch (born February 11, 1902 in Riga , Latvia , † after 1954) was a German engineer , civil servant and university professor .


Buch graduated from the Technical University of Berlin in 1925 with a degree in engineering and worked until 1927 as a private assistant to Privy Councilor Kammerer for lifting equipment and mining machines, but also as an assistant at the TH Berlin. From 1927 to 1930 he was deputy managing director of the study commission for high pressure systems in Berlin and from 1930 to 1938 clerk at the head office of Märkische Elektrizitätswerke AG in Berlin.

In 1939 he was given a teaching position for electricity economics at the Technical University of Hanover and at the Technical University of Braunschweig . In 1940 Buch became a Dr.-Ing. doctorate and in 1941 he became an honorary professor . From 1938 to 1945 he was a consultant in the Reich Office for Economic Development and in the Reich Ministry of Economics in Berlin. In this position he must have lived in Krakow in 1944 : An Alfred Buch from Krakow, Johann Hallerstraße 88/4, congratulates the President of the Finance Department in the government of May 9, 1944 “With best regards and Heil Hitler!” General Government in Cracow, Hermann Senkowsky , on the birth of his fourth child, daughter Herma . In January 1945, Hans Kammler , the special representative of the Reichsführer SS for the A4 program , forced Alfred Buch to take over the management of rocket research at the Mittelbau Development Community, part of Mittelwerk GmbH . This gave him the right to issue instructions to Wernher von Braun , the technical director of the electromechanical works in Karlshagen in Peenemünde and, from February 1945, in Bleicherode . He worked out a proposal to multiply the explosive power of an air-to-air missile .

After the Second World War , Buch worked as a consulting engineer from 1945 to 1952 and from 1954 was managing director of “Deutsche Bergwerks- und Hüttenbau GmbH” in Salzgitter -Drütte.


  • Willibald Reichertz: East Germans as lecturers at the Technical University of Hanover (1831–1956). In: East German family studies. Issue 3/2007, pp. 109–120, Volume XVIII (55th year), Verlag Degener & Co, Insingen 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Manfred Bornemann : Secret Project Mittelbau. From the central oil depot of the German Reich to the largest rocket factory in World War II . Bernard & Graefe, 1994, ISBN 978-3-7637-5927-9 , pp. 135 ff . (240 p.).