Alfred Henry Garrod

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Alfred Henry Garrod (born May 18, 1846 in London , † October 17, 1879 ) was an English zoologist , physiologist and university professor. He was mainly concerned with the anatomy of birds and ruminants . He taught comparative anatomy at King's College and the Royal Institution of Great Britain .


Alfred Henry Garrod was born in London in 1846. His father, Alfred Baring Garrod , and one of his three younger brothers, Archibald Garrod , were both physicians, recognized scientists, and Fellows of the Royal Society . He attended University College School and then University College London , before he moved to King's College in 1864 to pursue a medical career like his father . In 1868 he received a license from the Society of Apothecaries of London (London pharmacist community). He enrolled at Gonville and Caius College as early as 1867 , before moving to St John's College (both Cambridge ) a year later to give his education a stronger focus on the natural sciences. From 1871 he worked as a prosector for the Zoological Society of London , during which time he specialized in the anatomy of birds and ruminants and published numerous articles in journals in these disciplines. In 1874 he followed the call to King's College and taught comparative anatomy there, before he also worked as a Fullerian Professor at the Royal Institution of Great Britain from 1875 . In 1876, like his father before and brother after him, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Over time, he also published scientific papers on the physiology of animals and had the opportunity to become a founding member of the Physiological Society of London in 1876 , but declined because he saw himself more as a comparative anatomist.

Garrod died of tuberculosis in 1879 at the age of 33 . Posthumously , his close friend William Alexander Forbes published a collection of Garrod's scientific works, including biographical notes. It was also Forbes who named the gray-backed petrel genus Garrodia in Garrod's honor .


Web links

  • Garrod's picture on (please note copyrights!)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d W. J. O'Connor: Founders of British Physiology: A Biographical Dictionary, 1820-1885. Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1988, ISBN 0-7190-2537-0 , pp. 195-196.