Alfred Rosselet

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Alfred Rosselet (born August 9, 1887 in Couvet , † March 22, 1950 in Pompaples ) was a Swiss radiologist and rector of the University of Lausanne .


He is the son of Pastor Edouard Rosselet (1845–1905) and Ursula Rosselet-Cantieni. Growing up in Couvet and Lausanne , Rosselet first studied physics ( License ès sciences physiques et naturelles , 1908) at the University of Lausanne. A year later he received his doctorate with his dissertation Recherches sur les phénomènes actinoélectriques et leur relation avec l'ionisation de l'air . Following his doctorate, Rosselet studied for a year with Paul Langevin (Collège de France), Marie Curie (Sorbonne) and Jean Becquerel (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle) in Paris. From 1912 to 1917 he completed his medical studies in Bern and Geneva . Rosselet also received his doctorate in this field (subject: Contribution à l'étude du volvulus de l'estomac. Etude radiologique , 1920).

In parallel to preparing his doctoral thesis in medicine , Rosselet headed the radiological service of the Geneva Cantonal Hospital between 1917 and 1920. In 1922 he moved to the canton hospital of the canton of Vaud, where he founded its radiological service. Between 1923 and 1926 Rosselet was a private lecturer in radiology at the University of Lausanne . When the latter established the first chair for medical radiology in Switzerland in 1926, Rosselet was elected its first holder (associate professor). In 1941 he finally received the full professorship. From 1940 to 1942 Rosselet served as dean of the medical faculty and from 1944 to 1946 as rector of the University of Lausanne.

In 1924 Rosselet played a key role in founding the anti-cancer center in Western Switzerland , which he headed from 1925 to 1950 as director and from 1936 until his death as president.

In addition, Rosselet was involved in various radiological societies, was honorary president of the Comité international de la lumière and several times delegate of the Federal Council at international congresses for radiology.

Rosselet died unexpectedly in 1950 at the age of 62.


  • 1945: Doctor honoris causa of the University of Caen
  • 1948: Knight of the Legion of Honor ( chevalier de la Légion d'honneur )


  • Olivier Robert, Francesco Panese, Dictionnaire des professeurs de l'Université de Lausanne , Lausanne: UNIL, 2000, pp. 1098-1099

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