Alfred Schweizer

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Alfred Schweizer (born November 4, 1941 in Sevelen SG ) is a Swiss composer .


After graduating from high school in Solothurn , he studied musicology with Arnold Geering and Lucie Dikenmann-Balmer and languages ​​at the University of Bern . From 1963 to 1966 followed a practical musical training with Sándor Veress and Theo Hirsbrunner at the Bern Conservatory . From 1967 to 1972 he studied composition with Klaus Huber at the Music Academy of the City of Basel , 1986/87 further studies with Gerald Bennett , Bruno Spoerri and Rainer Boesch at the Swiss Center for Computer Music in Oetwil am See.

In 1969 he became a theory teacher at the Winterthur Conservatory. Between 1970 and 2003 he taught composition and music theory at the Biel Conservatory. In 1981 he was the founder of the contemporary concert series “classic 2000” in Biel and in 1986 the CD label of the same name. In 2002/03 he was one of the founding members of the L'art pour l'Aar festival in Bern.

His works have been performed at home and abroad a. a. published in Germany and Eastern Europe and by Müller & Schade .

Alfred Schweizer lives in Twann .


  • 1977 laureate at the international composition competition "Gino Marinuzzi" in Sanremo with the orchestral piece No. 1 "... cielo azzurro ..."
  • 1987 Award of recognition from the Pro Arte Foundation
  • 1995 Recognition Prize from the Music Commission of the Canton of Bern
  • 2001 Culture Prize of the City of Biel

Works (on phonograms)

  • Concertino for violin and strings , 1979–81
  • ATON , 1981/82
  • MANTRA avec violon fou , 1987
  • Orchestral piece No. 3 , 1989
  • Piano Music 1 and Piano Music 2 , 1990
  • Metamusic for strings and percussion , 1990
  • Metamorphoses , 1991
  • Music for flute and keyboard instrument , 1994
  • Guitar Music 3 , 1994
  • Piano Music 3 , 1995


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