Ali Mohammed (al-Qaeda)

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Ali Mohammed ( Arabic علي محمد) (* 1954 in Egypt ), sometimes also spelled Ali Mohamed , is an American al-Qaeda member of Egyptian origin. He was arrested in connection with the August 7, 1998 attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania .

Ali Mohammed speaks several languages ​​and has two degrees. He was an officer in the Egyptian army , where he served over 10 years. According to his own statements, he made contact with al-Jihad through Aiman ​​az-Zawahiri . He was dismissed from the army in 1984 because of his noticeably great religiousness and because of his membership in the unit formed by the assassins of Anwar as-Sadat . As a result, he succeeded in serving as a spy for the CIA and working as a kind of double agent . The course of the following years is controversial. According to the CIA, he made unauthorized contacts with Hezbollah , flew quickly and the service tried to prevent his entry into the USA. According to other sources (e.g. Peter Bergen ) he succeeded in continuously deceiving the Americans. It is again certain that he entered the USA in September 1985. He worked for the US Army in the 1980s and taught Arabic culture at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center in Fort Bragg , North Carolina . In 1989 he married an American and became a US citizen, but left the army honorably.

He has since lived in Santa Clara , California . The Egyptian Khaled Abu el-Dahab, who lived in the USA from 1987 to 1998 and whose apartment was an important control center for terrorists, was recruited by him. Several terrorists were trained by him in the use of weapons, Zawahiri was supported on a trip through the USA. He spied on US embassies in Africa in 1993 and 1994, founded an al-Qaeda cell there and trained Osama bin Laden's bodyguards . In order to divert attention from his own activities, he served as an informant for the FBI about illegal immigrants. When his name appeared in the US media in 1995 in connection with the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on February 26, 1993 , the left-wing newspaper The Boston Globe claimed that the CIA had smuggled him into the country with a secret program .

Mohammed was arrested after the 1998 attacks in Africa, pleaded guilty and is being held in a secret location.

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