Alice Cary

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Portrait of Alice Cary
Home of her childhood

Alice Cary (born April 26, 1820 in Mount Heather / Ohio , † February 12, 1871 in New York City ) was an American writer.


Cary's first poem, The Child of Sorrow , appeared in Sentinel , Cincinnati's universalist magazine , in 1838 . She published more poems in regional newspapers and magazines over the next few years. From 1847 she wrote prose for Gamaliel Bailey magazine National Era , which also Harriet Beecher Stowe's famous novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was published. Rufus W. Griswold took poems by her and her younger sister Phoebe Cary in his collection The Female Poets of America and in 1849 arranged the publication of the volume of poems Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary .

From 1851 Alice and Phoebe Cary lived as respected members of the literary society in New York. Their Sunday night receptions were famous, with guests including Horace Greeley , Bayard Taylor , Richard Stoddard , Robert Dale Owen , Oliver Johnson , John Greenleaf Whittier , Mary E. Dodge , Jane Cunningham Croly , Edwin H. Chapin , Henry M. Field , Charles F. Deems , Samuel Bowles , Thomas B. Aldrich , Anna E. Dickinson , George Ripley , Henry Wilson , Justin McCarthy, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton .

In total, Cary published four volumes of poetry, two volumes of poetry and short stories for children and three novels. However, she found her place in American literary history primarily as the writer of short stories that appeared in the collections Clovernook or Recollections of Our Neighborhood in the West (1852) and Clovernook's Children (1855).


  • Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary (1849)
  • Clovernook Papers (Boston, 1852)
  • Hagar, a Story of To-day (1852)
  • The Clovernook Children (1855)
  • Lyra, and other Poems (1853)
  • Married, Not Mated (1856)
  • Pictures of Country Life (1859)
  • Lyrics and Hymns (1866)
  • The Bishop's Son (1867)
  • The Lover's Diary (1867)
  • Snow-Berries: a Book for Young Folks (1869)
  • The Born Thrall (novel, unfinished)


Web links

Commons : Alice Cary  - Collection of Images