Alois Merz

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Alois Merz
Title page of a pamphlet against Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem about the Last Supper (1772)

Alois Merz SJ (born February 27, 1727 in Donzdorf in Swabia; † October 8, 1792 in Augsburg ) was a German Jesuit, Roman Catholic clergyman and author of controversial theological pamphlets.


Merz studied in Augsburg and Munich. In 1744 he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Landsberg am Lech . He taught humanities and philosophy at various grammar schools and became cathedral preacher in Augsburg in 1763 , which he remained after his order was abolished . In 1785 he was forced to give up the office due to a serious eye problem that increased to the point of complete blindness.


Merz is considered to be one of the most productive and quick-witted Catholic polemicists of his time, who tried to defend the strictly ecclesiastical principles both against Protestants and against the emerging Catholic Enlightenment and so-called Jansenist and Josephine currents in theology in numerous popular pamphlets . He had several of these essays reprinted in the "Latest collection of those writings that have been published in Augsburg for several years on various important objects on the taxation of truth", which he edited. The index of all his writings, most of which are of very limited size, fills 16 columns in a contemporary index.


  • Clemens Alois Baader: Lexicon of deceased Bavarian writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries . Volume 1,2: M – Z, Jenisch and Stage, Augsburg [ua] 1824, p. 26 ff. ( Digitized version ).
  • Johann Georg Meusel: Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800 IX. G. Fleischer the Younger, Leipzig 1809, p. 93 ff. ( Digitized version )
  • Rotermund, IV.
  • Werner, Gesch. d. cath. Theol. 147, 218.
  • Schwab, Franz Berg 217, 219 f., 261.
  • Fred Horstmann: Aloys Merz, cathedral and controversial preacher of Augsburg, as an opponent of the Enlightenment. Frankfurt / M. 1997.


Web links

Commons : Alois Merz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Augsburg 1793 f., 40 vol. In 8 °
  2. Augustin de Backer / Aloys de Bakker: Bibliothèque des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus: ou, notices bibliographiques, 1. de tous les ouvrages publiés par les mebres de la Compagnie de Jésus, depuis la fondation de l'ordre jusqu'à nos jours, 2. des apologies, des controverses religieuses, des critiques litéraires et scientifiques suscitées à leur subject . L. Grandmont-Donders, Liège 1853–1861. I, p. 411 ff.