Alois Wehrle

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Alois Peter Wehrle (born July 3, 1791 in Kremsier , † December 13, 1835 in Schemnitz ) was a chemist in the field of metallurgy and university professor .


In Vienna he completed an apprenticeship as a pharmacist . There he published his dissertation in 1819 . In the same year he became an assistant at the Polytechnic Institute Vienna , where he rose to associate professor . In 1820 he was offered a position at the Bergakademie Schemnitz . There he was a full professor of chemistry, metallurgy and mineralogy . He kept this position until his death in 1835. Wehrle was awarded the title of kk mountain council for his achievements .

The Wehrlit rock is named after him.

Works (selection)

  • Dissertatio inauguralis “Chemica sistens historiam acidi muriatici” . Dissertation, 1819. A history of hydrochloric acid etc. (1819)
  • On the use of naphtha in mines (in the yearbook of the Polytechnic Institute in Vienna, Volume V, 1824)


Individual evidence

  1. Osobnosti Banskej Štiavnice (Slovak)
  2. According to others also November 26th
  3. ^ Department of Mineralogy and Petrography on the University of Miskolc website ; accessed on January 13, 2013