Aloys Terbille

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Aloys Terbille (born December 30, 1936 in Vreden ; † October 30, 2009 there ) was a German teacher and Low German author .


Aloys Terbille grew up in Vreden, on the German - Dutch border , among the Low German-speaking farmers of the small town. After attending the humanistic grammar school , he began a teaching degree with Low German literature in Münster and then studied curative education and psychology in Dortmund . After that he became a teacher at special schools .

From 1978 poetry and prose texts were published in West Munsterland dialect in anthologies and magazines, as well as small radio contributions. In the 1980s he drew attention to himself with unusually harsh Low German poetry in which he addressed the persecution of the Jews in his home town and their extermination. Terbille was a compassionate and relentless word fencers for the marginalized and against the Stammtisch majority . He deliberately used authentic language material.


In 1983 his book about the suffering of the Vreden Jews in the Holocaust was published : Spoor van Lieden allevedan , which was published in the Netherlands and received great attention on both sides of the border. In 1997 the poetry book Welldage was published .


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Individual evidence

  2. Reinhard Goltz , Ulf-Thomas Lesle (ed.): Dat Land so free un wiet . Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-455-40026-4 .