Altinbek Sarsenbajuly

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Altynbek Särsenbajuly ( Kazakh Алтынбек Сәрсенбайұлы , Russian Алтынбек Сарсенбайулы Altynbek Sarsenbajuly * 12. September 1962 in the village Kajnar, Almaty region , Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic , USSR ; † 11. February 2006 in Rajon talgar , Almaty area) was a Kazakh politician and statesman.


Särsenbajuly graduated from Al-Farabi University in Almaty with a degree in journalism in 1982 . Another degree in this field followed in 1985 at Lomonosov University in Moscow .

Between 1985 and 1987 Särsenbajuly worked as editor-in-chief in the Kazakh telegraph agency. He then worked as an editor for various newspaper offices until the end of 1991. He went into politics at the beginning of 1992 and in March of the same year was appointed head of the Department of Culture and Interethnic Relations of the Presidential Apparatus and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Just a few months later, he was head of the department for domestic affairs.

In January 1993, Särsenbajuly got his first high-ranking post as Minister of Press and Mass Media of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1997 he was appointed Minister for Information.

In 2001, Särsenbajuly was appointed secretary of the Kazakhstan Security Council.

Between 2002 and 2003 he was ambassador to Russia .

In July 2004, Särsenbajuly returned to the Ministry of Information and was given the post of minister again. However, two months later, he resigned and accused the government of manipulating the results of the 2004 general election in Kazakhstan .

After leaving the government, Särsenbajuly went into the opposition and founded the regime-critical party "True Ak Schol" (Russian "Настоящий Ак жол").


On February 13, 2006, Särsenbajuly, along with his driver and bodyguard, was found dead with multiple gunshots in Talgar Raion, Almaty Province. The opposition politician's fellow campaigners described the murder as politically motivated and claimed that the government was directly behind the crime.

In the course of the investigation, on February 22, 2006, five officers from the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KNB) and the Arystan elite unit, allegedly involved in the killing of Särsenbajulys, were arrested. The next day, the head of the KNB Nartai Dütbajew resigned from office. A total of ten perpetrators and backers were charged in the case and sentenced to prison terms of between three and 20 years. A police officer got life sentence. The main masterminds and the question of who exactly commissioned the murder of Särsenbajuly have not yet been established.

Individual evidence

  1. Хроника убийства Алтынбека Сарсенбаева. Хроника последних часов жизни политика Алтынбека Сарсенбаева и его помощников. December 20, 2013, accessed January 12, 2019 (Russian).
  2. Вячеслав Абрамов / Зарина Ахматова: АЛТЫНБЕК САРСЕНБАЕВ: ПОЛИТИК ВНЕ ВРЕМЕНИ. March 14, 2013, accessed January 12, 2019 (Russian).
  3. Казис ТОГУЗБАЕВ: Убийство Алтынбека Сарсенбаева: десять лет споров. February 11, 2016, accessed January 12, 2019 (Russian).