Old Catholic Heilandskirche (Vienna)

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Exterior view of the Heilandskirche in Rauchfangkehrergasse
Old Catholic Heilandskirche in Vienna 15, interior view

The Heilandskirche is an old Catholic church in the fifteenth district of Vienna Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus . The church building in Rauchfangkehrergasse is the place of worship for the Old Catholic parish "Wien-West". The municipal area roughly comprises the following districts of Vienna: Hietzing , Penzing , Meidling , Liesing , Favoriten and Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus. There are a total of four Old Catholic parishes in Vienna, some of whose parish areas also extend over parts of Lower Austria and Burgenland .

History of the Old Catholic parish "Wien-West"

From 1919 the number of Old Catholics increased and therefore required an expansion of the places of worship, as the chapel in the old town hall of Sankt Salvator was no longer sufficient. First, more intensive care of Old Catholics in the west of Vienna was achieved by holding church services in the Protestant churches in Vienna 6 and Vienna 13. On October 25, 1921, the first meeting of the Old Catholic local association "Wien-West" took place under chairman Karl Patocka in the Kirchnerhof inn (Vienna 15). Diocese administrator Adalbert Schindelar was also present and gave a lecture on the concerns of the Old Catholic reform movement. On November 30, 1921, the local group "Wien-West" was constituted and elected Josef Weimar, chief accountant, as 1st and Josef Brandsky as 2nd chairman.

On December 14, 1922, the founding assembly of the Vienna-West branch community took place in the Federal Realschule Henriettenplatz (Vienna 15). Andreas Lochner became the first chairman. On April 15, 1923, diocese administrator Schindelar was able to solemnly bless the emergency church “Heilig Kreuzkapelle” in Fünfhausgasse 18. A bell bought for the emergency church was blessed on April 27, 1924. The branch congregation had 3,675 believers in 1926. In 1932 the branch church (responsible for districts 6, 13, 14 and 15) had 4,836 believers. The number of believers continued to rise until 1937 - to 5,600 - which also made it necessary to set up an additional church service in Spallartgasse. On November 10, 1938, the previous branch parish was elevated to an independent parish by decree of the Ministry of the Interior. Longin Focke was elected pastor of the parish on April 27, 1941, which in 1942 had 4,846 believers. Bishop Stefan Török celebrated a festive service on May 9, 1948 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the congregation. In October 1950, a room in the school Benedikt-Schellinger-Gasse 1–3 was blessed as a place of worship.

On April 22nd, 1961, Bishop Török blessed the foundation stone of today's church building at Rauchfangkehrergasse 12. Initially, the church was called " Bischof-Cyprian -Kirche". In 1975 an altar relief by Bernhard Prähauser was added. Günter Dolezal was elected pastor at the community meeting on November 27, 1989. Elvira Zuleger was commissioned by Bishop Bernhard Heitz on November 24, 1996 with the office of a lecturer. The parish Vienna- Favoriten moved to Rauchfangkehrergasse after the previous parish Vienna-West was dissolved. On September 1, 2002, the Bishop Cyprian Church was renamed the Heilandskirche.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ parishes . In: altkatholiken.at. Retrieved August 30, 2019 .
  2. ^ A b c Christian Halama: Old Catholics in Austria . Böhlau, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2004, ISBN 3-205-77224-5 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 11 ′ 10.6 ″  N , 16 ° 19 ′ 47.2 ″  E