Amesia sanguiflua

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Amesia sanguiflua
Amesia sanguiflua viriditincta

Amesia sanguiflua viriditincta

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Bear Moth (Arctiinae)
Genre : Amesia
Type : Amesia sanguiflua
Scientific name
Amesia sanguiflua
( Drury , 1773)

Amesia sanguiflua is a butterfly from the subfamily of the bear moth (Arctiinae)found in Asia.



The wingspan of the moth is about 80 millimeters. In both sexes, the basal region on the upper forewing is black and has yellow spots. The rest of the forewing upper side up to the hem is colored purple-black and streaked with white spots. The basal region of the upper side of the hind wing is black and continues to the edge area with a broad blue band from which a series of white spots stand out. A pattern consisting of small white spots extends over the bluish undersides of the wings. The antennae are also bluish.


Adult caterpillars have a dark brown basic color. Two large, whitish-yellow, elliptical, transverse spots stand out from the back in the middle of the body. Whitish to yellowish hair protrudes from the pinkish lateral point warts.

Occurrence and subspecies

The nominate form Amesia sanguiflua sanguiflua occurs in India , Myanmar , Malaysia , parts of Indonesia , in southeast China and in Thailand . The following subspecies are also known:

  • Amesia sanguiflua lugens in Sumatra
  • Amesia sanguiflua gedeana on Java
  • Amesia sanguiflua viriditincta in Taiwan


Dru Drury described the species as Phalaena sanguiflua in 1773 . Suriname was given as the place of discovery , which is obviously due to a mix-up, since the species does not occur in South America. The genome has been deciphered by Chinese scientists.

Way of life

The diurnal moths fly in several generations over the year. The caterpillars feed on the leaves of the silver tree family (Proteaceae). Lifestyle details have yet to be researched.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ WF Erichson: Archive for Natural History, Eighth Volume, Second Volume , Zoological and Botanical Society Berlin, 1842, p. 283
  2. a b Xiaoyu Zhang, Ling Tang, Juan Chen & Ping You: The complete mitochondrial genome of Amesia sanguiflua (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) , Published by Informa, UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, doi : 10.1080 / 23802359.2020. 1720535

Web links

Commons : Amesia sanguiflua  - collection of images, videos and audio files