Amilcare Paulucci

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Amilcare Paulucci marchese delle Roncole (* 1773 in Modena , † March 17, 1845 in Padua )

Amilcare Paulucci delle Roncole, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1829

He served in the Neapolitan Navy from 1787 to 1799, where he achieved the rank of frigate captain . In 1805 he became General Inspector of the Italian Navy based in Milan . In 1806 he took over the command of a naval war association in Venice . He distinguished himself in actions against piracy in the Mediterranean, was seriously wounded and became a British prisoner of war. He spent the years 1808–1812 as a prisoner of war on Malta . In 1814 he entered the Austrian service as major general , but soon joined the navy . 1824–1844 he was in command of the Austrian Navy. In this capacity he improved the signaling service and reorganized the arsenal in Venice . Awarded and honored many times, he retired as Vice Admiral in 1844.

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Commons : Amilcare Paulucci  - collection of images, videos and audio files