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Preparation from Hyalonema Sieboldi

Preparation from Hyalonema Sieboldi

without rank: Opisthokonta
without rank: Holozoa
without rank: Multicellular animals (Metazoa)
Trunk : Sponges (Porifera)
Class : Glass sponges (Hexactinellida)
Subclass : Amphidiscophora
Scientific name
Schulze , 1886

The Amphidiscophora (alternative spelling Amphidiscophorida) are a subclass of the glass sponges (Hexactinellida) within the trunk of the sponges (Porifera).


The amphidiscophora have skeletal needles ( sclerites ) like all glass sponges made of amorphous water-containing silicon dioxide (biogenic opal). The larger sclera group (Megaskleren) are in the basic form Hexactine (characteristic of the Hexactinellida). The smaller group of these sclerites, the microscleres , consist of so-called amphidiscs in all representatives of this taxon . They represent the apomorphism of the taxon. In most species, the large needles, the megasclera form a close-meshed skeleton.

Behavior and metabolism

All glass sponges are immovably grown together with the lake floor and therefore show no real behavioral patterns. The sponge feeds on microscopic organisms and organic detritus , which it filters from the water flowing through it or through the "cultivation" of microorganisms in the tissue.


Glass sponges are found in all oceans around the world and live mainly in greater depths.


The Amphidiscophora are divided into three orders:

  • Order † Reticulosa Reid, 1958 with the subordinates:
    • Subordination † Protospongioidea Finks, 1960
    • Subordination † Dierespongioidea Rigby, 1976
    • Subordination † Dictyospongioidea Hall & Clarke, 1899
    • Subordination † Hintzespongioidea Finks, 1983
  • Order † Hemidiscosa Schrammen , 1924
  • Order Amphidiscosida scratches, 1924
      • Family † Pattersoniidae Miller, 1889
      • Family † Pelicaspongiidae Rigby, 1970
      • Family † Stiodermatidae Finks, 1960
      • Family Hyalonematidae Gray, 1857
      • Family Monorhaphididae Ijima, 1927
      • Family Pheronematidae Gray, 1870


  • JN Hooper & RW van Soest: Systema Porifera: A Guide to the Classification of Sponges . Kluver Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, ISBN 978-0-306-47260-2

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Commons : Amphidiscophora  - collection of images, videos and audio files