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Amphrysus ( Greek  Ἄμφρυσος ) is the ancient name of the Platanorema river in central Greece .

It rises in the Othrys Mountains in Thessaly , flows north past Platanos (the ancient Halos ) and flows into the Pagasitic Gulf .

In Greek mythology , the Amphrysus is mentioned several times. On its bank, Eupolemeia gave birth to Aithalides , a son of Hermes . In another story it is Antianeira that here the Apollon another Argonauts gives birth, namely Idmon . For his part, the god of the muses is said to have grazed the king's flocks in the valley of Amphrysus during his bondage to Admetus of Pherai .


Individual evidence

  1. Strabo , Geography 9,433.435.
  2. Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika , 1.55.
  3. ^ Adolf Klügmann : Antianeira 2 . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 1.1, Leipzig 1886, column 370 ( digitized version ).