District court Hann. Münden

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Seat of the district court in the Welfenschloss Münden

The district court of Hann. Münden is one of seven local courts in the regional court district of Göttingen. The court has been based in the former Welfenschloss Münden on Schlossplatz in Hann since 1861 . Münden .


In 2004 the district court had a total of 34 employees, including five judges and five judges. The judicial district of the local court Hann. Münden includes the city of Hann. Münden, the community of Staufenberg and the joint community of Dransfeld . The district court of Hann. Münden thus has around 44,000 court residents . The superordinate court is the Göttingen Regional Court .


The district court was founded on October 1, 1852 in the course of the "Great Judicial Reform" in the Kingdom of Hanover as the district court of Münden and subordinated to the Göttingen Higher Court . In 1859 the judicial district expanded to include the area of ​​the disbanded Dransfeld District Court . In the same year, the monastery well Burfsfelde and the Vorwerk Ochsenhof were assigned to the district court.

See also

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Coordinates: 51 ° 25 ′ 5 ″  N , 9 ° 39 ′ 15 ″  E