Andreas Blatte

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Andreas Blätte (* 1976 ) is a German political scientist.


From 1996 to 2001 he studied political science, economics and European law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the Aberystwyth University . From 2001 to 2009 he was a research assistant at the Chair for Comparative Government Studies , University of Erfurt , Faculty of Political Science. In 2005/2006 he was deputy director of the Erfurt School of Public Policy (ESPP) in Erfurt (interim). Since 2008 he has been a lecturer in the attaché course at the Foreign Service Academy . From 2009 to 2015 he taught as a junior professor for political science at the Institute for Political Science in Duisburg - Essen . Since 2015 he has been teaching as professor for public policy and state politics at the University of Duisburg-Essen .

His research areas are NRW state politics and national policy research, political control and governance in a multi-level system, policy areas with a cross-sectional character, in particular migration and integration policy and neo-institutionalism.

Fonts (selection)

  • as editor with Dietmar Herz : Simulation and business game in the social sciences. An inventory of the international discussion . Münster 2000, ISBN 3-8258-4752-7 .
  • Immigrant Associations in Migration and Integration Policy 1998–2006. Access, norms and exchange . Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-531-15740-5 .
  • as editor with Christoph Bieber , Karl-Rudolf Korte and Niko Switek: Governing in the immigration society. Impetus for the integration debate from the perspective of government research . Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-15713-5 .

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