Andreas Ernst Etlinger

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Andreas Ernst Etlinger (born February 9, 1756 in Kulmbach ; † June 26, 1785 ibid) was a German doctor and botanist . Its official botanical author's abbreviation is “ Etl. ".


Etlinger was the son of Johann Leonhard from Kulmbach. On April 21, 1763, at the age of seven, Etlinger attended the Lyceum in Kulmbach and began studying medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen in 1773 . He finished his university career with a doctorate in 1777 on the subject of De Salvia . Then Etlinger worked as a general practitioner in Kulmbach.

A manuscript by Etlinger can be found in the library of the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg .

Inaugural dissertation by Andreas Ernst Etlinger at the University of Erlangen in 1777

Dedication name

In his honor, Paul Dietrich Giseke named the plant genus Etlingera Giseke from the ginger family (Zingiberaceae).



Individual evidence

  1. Fikenscher, Georg Wolfgang Augustin: "Gelehrtes Fürstentum Baireuth". 2-I 296, 312-314.
  2. Stammbuch Johann Jacob Singer (manuscript Hs 108766):$DirectLink&
  3. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]