Andreas Essenius

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Andreas Essenius (also: Andreas van Essen ; * February 1618 in Zaltbommel ; † May 18, 1677 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian.

Andreas Essenius


The son of Herman van Essen and his wife Christina van den Broek initially attended the Latin school in his hometown. He continued his education at the high school in Utrecht, and when it was promoted to university, he studied philosophy and theology there. After he was accepted as the theological candidate of the ministry in 1639, he acquired the degree of master's degree in philosophy on June 7, 1640. He went to Neerlangbroek as a preacher on December 13, 1640 and received his doctorate in theology on February 19, 1645.

In 1651 he became pastor in Utrecht and on February 8, 1653 professor of theology at the University of Utrecht, which office he took up with the speech De tractatione Verbi Divini . As a theological colleague of Gisbert Voetius , he was an advocate of the Closer Reformation . In doing so, he proceeded polemically against his Dutch colleagues Johannes Coccejus , Abraham Heydanus (1597–1678) and Frans Burman (1628–1679). He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Utrecht University and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1656/58 and 1674/75 .


  • Triumphus crucis, sive fides catholica de satisfactione Jesu Christi, asserta et vindicata ab exeptionibus atque objectionibus Socinianis nominatim vero ab illis quas Jo. Crellius Francus in responsione sua ad librum celeberrimi viri Huqonis Grotii in eodem argumento protulit. Amsterdam 1649, Utrecht 1665 ,. Rotterdam 1651.
  • Oratio funebris in obitum Gualteri de Bruyn. Utrecht 1653
  • De perpetua moralitate Decalogi adeoque speciatim etiam de Sabbato. Utrecht 1658, 1660
  • Defensio consilii Theologici Ultrajectini de Canonicatibus, Vicariatibus etc. Utrecht 1658
  • Systema Theologicae Dogmeticae. Utrecht 1659
  • Synopsis controversiarum theologicarum et Index locorum totius Sacrae Scripturae. Amsterdam 1661, l Utrecht 1662, 1676, 1677
  • Disquisitio de moralitate Sabbathi hebdomadalis. Utrecht 1665
  • Dissertationes de Decalogo et die Sabbathi adversus Abrahum Heidanum. Utrecht 1666
  • Vindiciae quarti praecepti in Decalogo. Utrecht 1666
  • Compendium Theologiae dogmaticae. Utrecht 1669, 1682, 1685
  • Oratio funebris in obitum Gisberti Voetii. Utrecht 1677


Web links

Commons : Andreas Essenius  - Collection of images, videos and audio files