Andreas Glorez

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Andreas Glorez ( fl. Around 1700) is considered to be one of the most important representatives of house fathers' literature . In a reprint from the 19th century he is referred to as the “ Moravian Albertus Magnus ”, a “monastery priest and naturalist”. Details of his biography are not known.

Glorez published an encyclopedic work, the eight-volume Complete House and Country Library , on topics from medicine, pharmacy, natural history, natural magic, mathematics, agriculture and housekeeping and technology, printed by Quirinus Heyl in Stadtamhof , Regensburg, 1701 (new edition by Georg Philipp Platz , Nuremberg, 1719).

House and country library

The Complete House and Country Library appeared with the following table of contents for the first four volumes:

“Complete house and country library, in which the ground of unadulterated science is to be found, which at the present time a man of the court, house, burger and country can use for his abundant benefit: Divided into four parts. The first part deals with: I. What a house and landlord have to take care of when buying an estate in the country, and how he should keep his house properly throughout the year [...] The other part includes an anatomical description of the whole human body, from the head bit on the feet: [...] The third part reveals very strange arts and the rarest inventions of this time, by means of which many people can honestly get around and nourish themselves in the world. The fourth part teaches many kinds of lovely flowing letters, receipts, evictions, reversals, birth, farewell, Heyraths testimonies, teaching and exchange letters, contracts, cession notes, contract or appointment forms [...] "

Another four volumes were also published in 1701 as a continuation of the Complete House and Country Libraries , with the following contents:

The first part teaches: 1. How to recognize the fields, correct the same mistakes, and prepare well. 2. About sowing, what to take care of [...] The other part deals with the shape, nature, strength and haulm of trees, herbs, four-legged animals, birds, fish, metal and minerals, such as those for medicine and otherwise should be used [...] The third part encompasses all kinds of arts, first of all from the fireworks, flying raggets, fire balls and shooting wind lights. 2. From the mechanical art, how one can use all kinds of instruments to make heavy things like bells, pieces, earth, stone, water & c. can easily lift up: at the same time as water arts and mills. 3. Of various alchemical secret tricks, including an appendix in which the excellent Arcana of Herr Bartholomei Korndoerffers, along with other rarities, are more contained. The fourth part is divided into the 45th title, each of which is very necessary and is not only evident in daily practice embarrassing-bourgeois and spiritual matters but also the most beautiful and noblest of today's day in the country mostly occurring casus holds in itself [...] "

Excerpts were published under the title Opened Wonder Book in a reprint together with a work by Valentin Weigel .


  • Will-Erich Peuckert : Andreas Glorez. In: Gerhard Heilfurth , Hinrich Siuts (Hrsg.): European cultural entanglements in the area of ​​popular tradition. Festschrift for the 65th birthday of Bruno Schiers. Otto Schwartz, Göttingen 1967, pp. 73-80

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Individual evidence

  1. "lived around the beginning of the present century, and wrote: Complete house and country library." Johann Christoph Adelung : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöchers general scholarly lexico . Vol. 2. Leipzig 1787, Col. 1489.
  2. ^ Digitized version , Bavarian State Library
  3. ^ Digitized version , Bavarian State Library
  4. ^ Digitized copy of a reprint from approx. 1850 (dated "1700"), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek . Complete headline: The Moravian Albertus Magnus, Andreas Glorez, monastery clergyman and naturalist, opened miracle book of weapon ointments, so-called magical diseases, miraculous cures, how they heal. Scripture teaches, and with things that are even neglected, magical power and the signature of the plants and herbs, Egyptian secrets, the transplantation of diseases into animals and trees, lucky rods on the metals hidden in the earth, sympathetic powders, research into diseases through the urine, and others strange secrets from handwritten. Monastery treasures. , or the unspeakable powers of nature's precious miracle stone.