Andreas Mühlenberend

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Andreas Mühlenberend (* 1967 in Bremen ) is a German industrial designer and professor at the Bauhaus University.

Life and accomplishments

After studying industrial design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel , Andreas Mühlenberend founded the Resolutdesign design office in 1998. From 2002 to 2009 he was a contract professor at the Free University of Bozen and from 2009 to 2014 he was professor for industrial design at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences . Andreas Mühlenberend has been Professor of Industrial Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar since 2014 .

Product design

For the first time in the world, Mühlenberend designed serially manufactured prosthetic knee joints from a design perspective. His knee joint "3R60", designed in 2005, is manufactured by Otto Bock HealthCare. Also in cooperation with Otto Bock HealthCare, Mühlenberend developed various product solutions in orthotics. Products such as the Lumbotristep back bandage or the Genu Arexa and Genu Arthro knee braces aim to establish the autoadaptivity of orthoses on the human body. Against the background of the two basic construction methods of prostheses (tubular skeleton and shell construction), Mühlenberend first presented the design study for a lower leg prosthesis in exoskeletal frame construction in 1996.

In 2019 he developed the “Suralis” sensory prosthesis with the company Saphenus Medical Technology. Suralis is the world's first prosthesis system that enables prosthesis wearers to authentically feel their lost foot again. Suralis is designed to reduce or end phantom and neuroma pain in amputees.

Prizes and awards

  • Neunkirchen design award 1996
  • Red Dot Design Award 2005
  • Nominated for the 2006 Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Red Dot Design Award 2007
  • Red Dot Design Award 2007, best of the best
  • Red Dot Design Award 2008
  • Saxon State Prize for Design 2008
  • Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2008
  • Good Design Award 2008, USA
  • Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2009
  • Nominated for the Saxon State Prize for Design 2009
  • Good Design Award 2009, USA
  • IF design award 2010
  • Red Dot Design Award 2010
  • Good Design Award 2011, USA
  • IF design award 2012
  • Good Design Award 2011, USA
  • Red Dot Design Award 2013

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website of the design office
  2. ^ Website of the Bauhaus University Weimar
  3. saphenous - technology medical. Accessed June 3, 2019 (German).