Andrei Năstase

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Andrei Năstase (born August 6, 1975 in Mîndreşti) is a Moldovan lawyer , civil activist and politician . He has been a member of the Moldovan Parliament since 2019 .

Năstase is co-founder and president of the party Dignity and Truth . He was appointed joint candidate of the pro-European alliance in 2018 after the mayoral election in Chișinău , which he won and later declared invalid , in which he defeated the candidate of the socialist party Ion Ceban with 52.57%. This alliance includes the Party for Dignity and Truth , the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova and the Party for National Unity .

In February 2019, the alliance of the Party for Dignity and Truth and the Action and Solidarity party led by Maia Sandu secured 26 of the 101 seats in the Moldovan parliament.


Năstase was born on August 6, 1975 in the village of Mîndreşti, which is now part of the Teleneşti municipality, as the son of Andrei and Anna Năstase. He attended school in Mîndreşti between 1982 and 1992 and studied from 1992 to 1993 at the Faculty of History and Geography of the Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava in Romania. In 1993 and 1997 he studied law at the Faculty of the University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași .

Professional development

From 1997 to 2000 Năstase worked first as an assistant and then as an assistant to the traffic attorney for the public prosecutor of Chișinău. There is only a little evidence of his work. In response to a request from the non-profit organization RISE Moldova, the Public Prosecutor's Office found that Năstase had dealt with various cases for the civil aviation company and for the state-owned company Air Moldova , but that despite the number of exemptions, no violations of applicable law could be found.

Năstase was Deputy Director of Air Moldova from 2002 to 2002 . During this period, Air Moldova was transformed from a state-owned company into a joint venture . During this phase, the political analyst and director of the Center for Strategic Analysis and Monitoring, Victor Gurău, complained about the illegal behavior of those involved. According to Gurău, the company's shares were acquired by a foreign investor who did not have accounts and did not meet the minimum requirements for starting a business. He claimed that Năstase was involved in the privatization of Air Moldova along with former Prime Minister Vlad Filat , entrepreneurs Victor sowieopa and Viorel Țopa and former Finance Minister Anatol Arapu.

Năstase has been a certified attorney since November 15, 2002.

Political activity

At the beginning of 2015, Năstase took part in the establishment of the civil platform Dignity and Truth, together with several opinion leaders, journalists, lawyers, political scientists, ambassadors and others . He also led the protest movement in Moldova in September 2015. On November 1, 2015, he was elected President of the Executive Office of the Initiative Group. The aim was to organize a republican referendum to amend the constitution, which would allow the people to directly dismiss the president, limit parliamentary immunity and reduce the number of MPs from 101 to 71. Năstase also drafted laws that were subsequently examined and approved by the Constitutional Court. In December 2015, Năstase joined the People's Strength party with some of the members of the Platform for Dignity and Truth . At the extraordinary congress on December 13, 2015, the party in dignity and truth (Partidul Politic " Platforma Demnitate și Adevăr ", PPDA ) was renamed and new governing bodies and Năstase were elected as party chairman.

2016 presidential election

Andrei Năstase was elected by the Political National Council of the Party for Dignity and Truth to participate in the 2016 presidential election . He was registered on September 18, 2016 as the fourth official candidate of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) for the October 30, 2016 elections. On October 15, 2016, Andrei Năstase officially withdrew his candidacy and supported the candidate of the Action and Solidarity party Maia Sandu .

Mayoral elections 2018 in Chișinău

In the 2018 mayoral elections in Chișinău, Năstase won the runoff election after finishing second in the first round with 52.57% of the vote and defeated Ion Ceban (47.43%). On June 19, 2018, however, the elections were declared null and void by both candidates, contrary to the provisions of the electoral law, for violating the election silence on election day. Thus, the mandate of the elected mayor for Andrei Năstase was not confirmed by the judges of the central court in Chișinău. This decision was upheld by the Chișinău Court of Appeal on June 21, 2018, as well as by the Supreme Court (CSJ), which issued the final judgment on the validation of the results of the Chisinau elections on June 25, 2018. On June 29, 2018, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) declared the local elections held in the capital to be void. Năstase viewed the decision as politically motivated and as ordered by Vladimir Plahotniuc . Following this decision, the mayor of Chișinău will be elected in Moldova's local elections in 2019, and the mayor's office will be headed by a full-time mayor.


As a lawyer, Năstase has defended various domestic and foreign investors before national and international courts, including the German company Unistar and business people Viorel and Victor Topa. The defense of Tops has generated considerable criticism as the businessmen have been convicted by the Moldovan judiciary for chantage , embezzlement, money laundering and forgery of documents. Năstase was nicknamed "The Man of Țopas".

Năstase also received criticism for his relations with Iurie Roşca , which took place at the time when he was a member of the then ruling Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova . Furthermore, his ties to offshore companies have been criticized by some journalists who claim that his family's businesses have been preferred.

Some investigative journalists have reported that the Open Dialogue Foundatio, founded by Kazakh entrepreneur and politician Muhtar Abliazov and led by activist Lyudmyla Kozlovska, has been lobbying for Năstase and Maia Sandu's parties in Europe . The two would have received benefits from the foundation without declaring them.

According to the party leader of the Liberal Party , Dorin Chirtoacă , Nastase would Vltava inflicted the Republic of harm from EUR 7 million. He refers to Andrei Nastase's participation in the privatization of the state- owned Air Moldova , through which the German airline Unistar Ventures, allegedly managed by Victor Țopa, acquired 49% of the airline's shares.


Năstase is married to Angela Năstase and has three children. His brother Vasile Năstase is a journalist, former prime minister of the first parliament of Moldova and one of the first to sign the declaration of independence. Năstase is the godchild of the entrepreneur Victor Țopa.

Individual evidence

  1. Andrei Năstase noul preşedinte al partidului Politic Demnitate şi adevar ( ro ) December 13, 2015.
  2. Andrei Năstase candidatul comun al PAS şi la PPDA funcţia de primar de Chisinau ( ro )
  3. Moldovans protest after court voids mayoral election result ( s )
  4. Mandatul de primar de Chișinău al lui Andrei Năstase nu a fost validat ( ro )
  5. Moldova's Constitutional Court Confirms February 24 Vote Result ( en ) March 10, 2019.
  6. Confirmarea rezultatelor alegerilor parlamentare din 24 february 2019 şi validarea mandatelor de deputat de către Curtea Constituţională pentru Parlamentul de legislatura a Xa ( ro ) 9 March 2019.
  7. Cine organizează protestul din centrul Chișinăului? Liderii Platformei DA și istoria organizației Adevă, September 10, 2015
  8. Adevărul despre "omul Țopilor" . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  9. 22.06 - Chișinău: Privatizarea Air-Moldova în dezbaterea Parlamentului . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  10. Unistar Ventures GmbH c. Moldovei - Neexecutarea hotararilor judecatoresti . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  11. Filat, Țopii, Năstase, Arapu, acuzați de trafic de influență și abuz de putere . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  12. Liderii de opinii au lansat Platforma Civică Demnitate și Adev2 “DA” ZdG, February 24, 2015.
  13. Platforma DA fuzionează cu Partidul Forța Poporului, December 11, 2015
  14. Andrei Năstase noul preşedinte al partidului Politic Demnitate şi adevar; A fost edificată o alternativă politică, 13 decembrie 2015
  15. ALEGERI 2016: Andrei Năstase a fost înregistrat în cursa electorală . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  16. Alegeri prezidențiale 2016: Andrei Năstase, înregistrat oficial la CEC . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  17. Alegeri în MOLDOVA. Andrei Năstase sa retras pentru Maia Sandu . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  18. Andrei Nastase, primar de Chisinau: liderul PPDA a cîştigat alegerile . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  19. Hotărîre CEC no. 1713, 29 June 2018 / Alegeri 2018 . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  20. a b Alegerile locale de la Chisinau, declarate nule. Mandatul primarului ales, Andrei Nastase, nu a fost validat de magistrati. Nastase: "Mafie. Plahotniuc a comandat aceasta hotarare" - PHOTO si VIDEO . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  21. Valeria Vitu: Curtea de Apel Chisinau: Alegerile locale, declarate nule . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  22. ^ Curtea de Apel Chișinău: Alegerile locale, declarate nule . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  23. decizie de ultima ora a Comisiei électorale Centrale: Alegerile au fost declarate nule . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  24. Alegerile pentru Primăria Chisinau, invalidate definitely. Andrei Năstase nu poate prelua funcția . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  25. CEC a votat: Alegerile din Chisinau, declarate nule . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  26. Adevărul despre "omul Ţopilor" .
  27. Petru Bogatu: Andrei Năstase, scheletele dansatoare și originile mafiei postsovietice . 18th May 2018.
  28. Ioan Preaşca: Adevarul despre "omul ŢOPILOR" . 5th October 2016.
  29. Finanțatorul Fundației “Open Dialog”, oligarhul kazah Ablyazov, ar fi fost INTERZIS în Marea Britanie . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  30. ^ Scots firms 'in £ 26m laundering link to Putin' . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  31. An Edinburgh flat, a human rights activist and the oligarchs `` dirty money '' . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  32. Andrei Năstase, despre concluziile comisiei de ancheta privind “Open Dialog”: Scopul este să mă excludă din cursa electorală . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  33. Chirtoacă, despre Năstase și escrocheria ”AIR Moldova”: Ne from ţine departe de toţi cei care au asemenea fapte comise în trecut . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  34. -prezentate-sunt-oficiale /
  35. Iurii Botnarenco: VIDEO Chirtoacă îi cere lui Năstase să se retragă din Blocul ACUM şi PPDA: “În condiţiile în care are 7 milioane furate, nu are dreptul să candideze” . February 5, 2019. Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  36. 22.06 - Chișinău: Privatizarea Air-Moldova în dezbaterea Parlamentului ( ro )
  37. ^ Andrei Năstase și-a arătat soția. Cei doi se bucură de o căsnicie fericită de 17 ani . Retrieved May 26, 2019.
  38. Andrei Năstase, finul lui Victor Țopa, accesat la 14 decembrie 2018