Andrey Todorov

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Andrey Nikolov Todorov ( Bulgarian Андрей Николов Тодоров , born May 4, 1948 in Sofia , † March 30, 2012 ) was a Bulgarian mathematician who dealt with algebraic geometry . He was a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz .

Todorov (2nd from right) with Schafarewitsch (right), Bogomolow and Helmut Koch (left) in Schafarewitsch's Moscow apartment

Todorov studied at Lomonosov University , graduated in 1971 and received his doctorate in 1976 from Igor Schafarewitsch with a thesis on the Jordan decomposition of the monodrome operator with application to the moduli of K3 surfaces. From 1976 he worked in the Algebra Department of the Mathematical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , in 1984 he became a professor there. From 1993 he was a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In 2008 he retired.

He was visiting professor at Harvard University and Columbia University and the Institute for Advanced Study . He was a leading algebraic geometer in Bulgaria. Todorov dealt with Calabi-Yau manifolds and their module spaces and especially modules of K3 surfaces. The Bogomolov - Tian -Todorov theorem about the smoothness of the modular space of Calabi-Yau manifolds is named after him. The theorem is an important result of deformation theory and important in the theory of mirror symmetry with applications in string theory .

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