Angelo Baroffio

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Angelo Baroffio (born May 7, 1815 in Mendrisio ; † January 6, 1893 ibid) was a Swiss lawyer and politician .


Angelo Baroffio was the son of Francesco Baroffio and his wife Giuseppa, née Pagani.

He initially studied theology at the seminary in Como and later law at the University of Pisa , which he finished in 1843. After graduating, he worked as a lawyer in his birthplace and also as a politician there. He worked in various public offices, for example he was the deputy mayor of Mendrisio, a colonel in the Swiss army and from 1859 to around 1881 a military judge for the canton of Ticino .

In the period from 1852 to 1859 and from 1866 to 1875 he was represented as a moderate conservative in the Ticino Grand Council .

He became the director of the grammar school in Mendrisio in 1863 and remained so until 1871.

As a music lover, he founded a philharmonic orchestra in his hometown in 1841 and played the organs in Meride and the organ of the Santi Cosma e Damiano church in Mendrisio as an organist from 1839 to 1840 .

Angelo Baroffio was married to Luigia, nee Broglio.


Angelo Baroffio dealt a lot with the local history and wrote some works on it. In the musical field he wrote numerous popular and liturgical compositions , including the 1880 operetta I doveri dell'uomo.

Fonts (selection)

  • Dell'Invasione francese nella Svizzera ossia della Repubblica elvetica unitaria. Lugano 1873.
  • Del paesi e delle serre costituenti il ​​cantone del Ticino dai tempi remoti fino all'anno 1798. Lugano 1879.
  • Memorie storiche sulle diverse chiese ed oratorj esistenti in Mendrisio. Tipografia Carlo Colombi, Bellinzona 1879.
  • I doveri dell'uomo. 1880.
  • Storia del cantone Ticino dal principio di sus Autonomia politica ossia dal 1803 alla Costituzione 23 giugno 1830. Lugano 1882.
  • I doveri principali dell 'uomo esposti ai giovanetti del cantone Ticino dall'Avvocato Angelo Baroffio . Bellinzona 1882.
  • Memorie storiche sulle diverse Chiese ed Oratori esistenti a Mendrisio e Memorie storiche inedite su Mendrisio e distretto. 1938.


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