Anita Klahn

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Anita Klahn 2013

Anita Klahn (born January 20, 1960 in Lübeck ) is a Schleswig-Holstein politician ( FDP ) and a member of the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament . She has been the deputy chairwoman of the FDP parliamentary group since 2017.

education and profession

Anita Klahn, née Schmal, did an apprenticeship as a print template manufacturer after graduating from secondary school in Lübeck, trainee program for customer service. After completing an extra-occupational seminar on exam preparation from 1985 to 1988, she passed the examination to become industrial foreman printing, manufacturing processes, printing template production and trainer aptitude test at the Lübeck Chamber of Industry and Commerce and worked until 2007 as a printing template manufacturer in the technical area of ​​prepress and printing companies in Lübeck and as an object and customer advisor in the field of conventional and digital print media in Hamburg.

Anita Klahn is a Protestant, married and has three children.


Anita Klahn is a member of the FDP and has been deputy chairwoman of the Nordstormarn district association since 2001 and as chairwoman of the Stormarn district association and member of the state board of the FDP Schleswig-Holstein since 2007. In terms of local politics, she was active for her party as a city councilor in Bad Oldesloe since 2006 .

In the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in 2009 she was elected to the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament for the first time via the state list of the FDP and was a member of the social committee and vice-president of the state parliament from 2009 to 2012 . On June 30, 2010 she was a member of the 14th Federal Assembly for the election of the Federal President . In the subsequent state election in 2012 , she was re-elected as a member of the state parliament and is now a member of the education and social committee. After the state elections in 2017 , she was elected deputy chairman of the FDP parliamentary group. In addition to her candidacy on the state list, she also ran in the Stormarn-Nord state electoral district and received 12.4% (2009), 4.6% (2012) and 7.3% (2017) of the first votes. Furthermore, Kahn is a deputy member of the social committee.

Web links

Commons : Anita Klahn  - Collection of Images
  • Anita Klahn in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein