Anna Beöthy Steiner

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Anna Beöthy Steiner , also Anna Beothy Steiner , (* 1902 in Nagyvárad , Austria-Hungary , † 1985 in Paris ) was a Hungarian-French painter.


Anna Steiner studied journalism between 1922 and 1925 at Álmos Jaschik's private art school in Budapest . Numerous trips took her to Austria, Germany and Italy, where she met Filippo Tommaso Marinetti , whose futuristic ideas initially influenced her as much as Robert Delaunay's orphism . From 1927 she lived in Paris, where she married István Beöthy . Like him, she was one of the founding members of the “ Abstraction-Création ” group, which was created in 1931 and which included artists such as Arp , Gabo , Herbin , Kupka , Mondrian , Nicholson and Vantongerloo . Beöthy Steiner interrupted her artistic work in 1934 and only resumed her work in the 1960s after the death of her husband. The works from the years 1927 to 1934 are regarded as her main work. During this time, in addition to magazine illustrations, fabric and fashion designs, mainly gouaches and watercolors were created. They show the interpenetration and superimposition of simple, geometric color surfaces, the proportions of which reveal the study of István Beöthy. Since 1932, her compositions have been determined by the contrast of simple colors. Flat color spaces were created that anticipated the ideas of Op Art .


  • Patricia Rochard and Klaus Weber (eds.): Czárdás in the square: Hungarian avant-garde (1919-1933) and traditional peasant culture. , Exhibition catalog, Schmidt, Mainz 1995, ISBN 3-87439-362-3 , p. 74ff.


  1. ↑ For information on Álmos Jaschik see hungart and see also Hungarian Wikipedia hu: Jaschik Álmos .