Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina

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Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina (1938)
Grave of Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina in Vladivostok

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina ( Russian Анна Ивановна Щетинина , English Anna Shchetinina ; * 13 February July / 26 February 1908 greg. At Okeanskaja station near Vladivostok , Primorye Oblast , Russian Empire ; † September 25, 1999 in Vladivostok, Russia ) was a Soviet captain on a long voyage , who was the first woman in the world to acquire a captain's license for sea ​​shipping and who sailed in the Soviet merchant fleet.


Anna Schtschetinina was born in 1908 as the daughter of the carpenter and railroad worker Ivan Ivanovich (1877-1946) and Maria Filosofowna. In 1925, at the age of 16, she began her training at the nautical school in Vladivostok. After graduating from school, she worked for a shipping company on the Kamchatka Peninsula, initially as a sailor and finally as a captain. She acquired the helmsman's license in 1932 at the age of 24, the captain's license for Große Fahrt in 1934. She received worldwide attention in 1935 when she took over the cargo ship Чавыча ( Tschawytscha ) , built in Germany in 1923, in Hamburg for a Soviet shipping company and took a trip with it across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific to the Far East of the Soviet Union.

The Chavytscha (3021 GRT ) of the
Kamchatka JSC shipping company

After a decision by the government of the Soviet Union on November 26, 1937, a fishing port was opened in Vladivostok, the first manager of which was Anna Schtschetinina on March 20, 1938. In the same year she continued her training at the Institute of Water Transport in Leningrad and completed four advanced training courses within two and a half years.

She sailed the Baltic Sea during the Second World War . She evacuated residents from Tallinn and transported war goods and troops. She then commanded the Liberty freighter Жан Жоре́с ( Jean Jaurès ) in the North Pacific, which brought military cargo and equipment from the United States to the Soviet troops on Sakhalin .

After the war Anna Shchetinina worked as a captain on several ships of the Baltic Shipping Company. From 1949 she was a member of the faculty of the Leningrad Maritime University. From 1951 she was a lecturer and then dean of the school's navigation faculty. She founded and headed the Department of Navigation and Oceanology in the Primorsky Branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR and was chairman of that branch. In 1956 Anna Shchetinina was appointed associate professor. In 1960 she was transferred as a lecturer to the merchant shipping department at the Technical Naval University in Vladivostok. There she founded and organized the captains' club .

In her life, Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina received many awards. These include Heroine of Socialist Labor , Order of the Great Patriotic War , Order of the Red Star , Order of the Red Labor Banner , Medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” , Medal “Victory over Germany” , Medal “For Victory over Japan” and honorary worker of the naval fleet. She was an honorary citizen of Vladivostok, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia and an honorary member of the Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains in London.

She wrote books about the sea and textbooks for cadets, e.g. B. На морях и за морями (German: About the seas and oceans ).

Anna Schtschetinina was married to Nikolai Filippowisch Kaschimow (1903–1950) since 1928. She died on September 25, 1999. On the Seefriedhof in Vladivostok was erected a monument to the school no. 16 in Vladivostok and park were named after her, as a cape on the coast of Amur Bay and a location in the new residential area "Snegowaja Pad “( Stadtrajon Pervoretschensky ).


  • Sheila Fitzpatrick, Yuri Slezkine: In the Shadow of Revolution: Life Stories of Russian Women from 1917 to the Second World War . Princeton University Press, 2018, ISBN 978-0-691-19023-5 , pp. 352 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Анна Ивановна Щетинина. In: Retrieved March 30, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e 110 Years Have Passed Since the Birth of Anna Shchetitina, the World's First Female Captain of Long Voyages. In: 2018, accessed March 31, 2019 (American English).