Anna Oppolzer

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Anna Oppolzer (born 1983 ) is a German game designer who mainly focuses on the development of children's and family games. Together with her husband Stefan Kloß , also a game designer, she runs her mosaic studio in Mannheim.


Anna Oppolzer studied art history and worked for an art publisher after completing her studies. In 2014 she and her husband Stefan Kloß founded the Mosaik-Atelier in Mannheim, where both develop games and offer services. In 2014 the game Beasty Bar was published under the name of Stefan Kloß, in 2015 the sequel Beasty Bar: New Beasts in Town was published by Zoch Verlag , which also named Anna Oppolzer as the author. Since then, the two have jointly developed numerous other games for various publishers. The game Salamamba , published by Piatnik in 2018 , was awarded in the same year as a "Games Hit for Families" at the Austrian Games Prize.

She is an active member of the game authors' guild .


supporting documents

  1. Mosaik Atelier , Interview on the Heidelberger Spielefest, Delta im Quadrat No. 10, 2018
  2. Dagmar de Cassan: The winning games 2018 on, June 23, 2018; accessed on January 30, 2020.
  3. ^ Anna Oppolzer at the game authors' guild ; accessed on January 30, 2020.

Web links