Anna Sophia Torck

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Anna Sophia Torck († March 14, 1676 ) was the abbess of Nottuln Abbey .


Origin and family

Anna Sophia Torck was born as the daughter of Canon Johann Asbeck Torck zu Asbeck and Vorhelm († 1639) and his wife Elisabeth von Eyll. Her half-sister Sybilla was married to Melchior von Büren , and their daughter Elisabeth Wilhelmina succeeded Anna in the office of abbess. Anna's uncle Johann Torck (1558–1638) was a canon in Münster.

Career and work

On December 4, 1636 Anna Sophia was nominated to send for the prebend of the late Elisabeth Agnes Droste.

In 1644, efforts were initiated from various sides to appoint Countess Claudia Seraphica von Wolkenstein-Rodenegg as the successor to the late abbess Maria Clara von Spaur , but the Nottulner defended themselves against these efforts. On January 24, 1645 the new abbess was elected. Of the 14 capitulars, 10 chose Anna Sophia, who had been elected as the new dean a week earlier. On January 27, the cathedral chapter received notification of the outcome of the election, with Elector Ferdinand confirming the election on March 30.

On December 2, 1645 Anna Sophia took over the abbey , while the ceremonial inauguration took place on May 15, 1646. It was sworn up on August 11, 1649 by the canon Matthias Korff . With seven other canons she joined the Billerbecker Kaland , a welfare organization, on October 2, 1652 .

On May 24, 1664 she resigned in favor of Isabella Dorothea von Rhede zu Brandlecht and made her will on June 8, 1667 at Haus Stapel . In it she stipulated that 200 Reichstaler should be used for her memoir. The Coesfeld Jesuit School was to receive 1,000 Reichstaler. Her successor Elisabeth Wilhelmina von Büren inherited her house in Nottuln. In a codicil of 1669 she stipulated that her niece should keep her house.

Her nephew Johann Rotger Torck (cathedral dean from 1674 to 1686) was present at her burial on March 23, 1676.


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