Annette Zimmer

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Annette Zimmer (* 1954 ) is a German political scientist at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster .


Zimmer studied history, political science, economics and philosophy in Mannheim and Heidelberg and completed her studies in 1980 with a Magistra Artium. In 1986 she was awarded a dissertation on the topic of "Founding democracy and constitution in Bavaria. The Development of the State Constitution of 1946 ”at the University of Heidelberg with Frank Pfetsch and Klaus von Beyme for Dr. phil. PhD.

She then moved to Yale University , where she worked on various research projects in the nonprofit area . From 1989 to 1995 she was a university assistant at the University of Kassel , where she worked in 1995 with a thesis on the subject of “Associations between the market and the state. An analysis of the club system from the third sector perspective ”habilitated. In 1996 she followed a call from the Institute for Political Science at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster to the professorship “German and European Social Policy and Comparative Political Science”. In 1998/99 she was DAAD Visiting Professor of German and European Studies at the University of Toronto and in 2009/10 she was a fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies in Washington. From 2008 to 2010 she was managing director of the Institute for Political Science in Münster.

Zimmer conducts research on non-profit organizations in the third sector or nonprofit area , social entrepreneurship , civil society , German and European social policy and gender issues.

From 2015 to 2017, Zimmer was President of the International Society for Third Sector Research . She is also a member of the board of trustees of the Active Citizenship Association . In 2005, together with Gisela Claußen and Michael Vilain, she launched the nonprofit management & governance training course, which is now located at the University of Münster's training center.

Publications (selection)

  • Annette Zimmer: Founding of democracy and constitution in Bavaria. The creation of the constitution of the Free State of Bavaria from 1946. Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1987.
  • Annette Zimmer / Christina Stecker, (Eds.): Strategy Mix for Nonprofit Organizations. Vehicles for Social and Labor Market Integration. Kluwer, New York 2004.
  • Annette Zimmer: Associations - concrete civil society. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007.
  • Annette Zimmer / Ruth Simsa, (Eds.): Research on civil society, NPOs and engagement. Quo vadis ?. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014.

Web links