Attack in Peshawar in 2013

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In the 2013 attack in Peshawar , 85 members of the Christian minority were killed and 145 wounded in a double terrorist attack on September 22, 2013 in front of the historic All Saints Church in the Pakistani city ​​of Peshawar . It was the most momentous attack on the Christian minority in Pakistan's history .

Course of events

The attack began at a time when churchgoers were gathering near the church's front yard for a free rice meal.

The two suicide bombers first shot one of the security guards and wounded a second while entering the Church of All Saints. When the police stopped them, one of the bombers set off the first bomb. The second detonation took place inside the church. The historic church and the windows of adjacent buildings were badly damaged by the detonations.

The attackers' bodies were identified and released for investigation. The bombs contained about six kilograms of explosives.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan terrorist group, Jundollah, claimed responsibility for the massacre . They declared that the attack on Christians and other non-Muslims ( kāfirun "infidels") would continue because they were "enemies of Islam".

Protests and reactions

Christians who lived near the church took to the streets and began demonstrating by setting fire to tires and making protest speeches. Many shops in the Kohati Gate area , which is also home to other churches, have closed. There were also protest gatherings in Karachi , Lahore , Multan and other major cities to condemn the mass killings. There were also clashes in Karachi between angry demonstrators and the Pakistani state police.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attacks, saying that the criminals had no religion and that targeting innocent people was against the teachings of Islam. Also, Catherine Ashton , foreign policy chief of the European Union , condemned the attack. She called on the Pakistani government to protect its citizens regardless of religious affiliation and to hold the perpetrators accountable. She also expressed her condolences to the families of the victims.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Suicide bombers attack historic church in Peshawar, 60 killed. Zee News, September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  2. Pakistan church bomb: Christians mourn 85 killed in Peshawar suicide attack , The Guardian, September 24, 2013
  3. a b Twin church blasts claim 78 lives in Peshawar. Dawn , September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  4. 40 the bombing in Pakistan. BBC News, September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  5. Twin church blasts claims 66 lives in Peshawar. Dawn, September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  6. a b Suicide bomb attack kills 60 at Pakistan church. The Los Angeles Times (originally Associated Press ) September 22, 2013, archived from the original September 22, 2013 ; Retrieved September 22, 2013 .
  7. Tim Craig, Nawaz Khan, Haq: Dozens killed as suicide bombers attack Christian worshipers in Pakistan . In: The Washington Post , September 22, 2013. 
  8. a b c Twin suicide bomb attacks on Pakistan church kill at least 56. Reuters , September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  9. Suicide bombs kill 78 outside Peshawar Church, injure over 100. Geo TV , September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  10. Suicide bomb attack near Wagah border in Pakistan kills at least 55, over 200 wounded. NBC News, September 22, 2013, accessed September 22, 2013 .
  11. ^ Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton condemning the attack on the Christian community in Peshawar, Pakistan. (PDF; 443 kB) September 23, 2013, accessed on September 24, 2013 .