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Antidisestablishmentarianism is the English name for the opposition to the lifting of the state church status that the Church of England ( Church of England ) since the Supremacy holds of 1534, while the disestablishmentarianism believes that the state church status of the Church of England was abolished.

The anti disestablishmentarianismus movement in 19th century England was opposed to proposals that the Church of England the status of the state church of England (established church) to take. The representatives of the political position of dis establishmentarianism - d. H. denationalization (of the state church) - said that a state church violates religious freedom. The state should be secular , which means that religion and state are separate . This idea is known as disestablishmentarianism . So anti-disestablishmentarianism wants to keep the state church.

It has been successful in England so far, but not in Ireland (see Irish Church Act 1869 ) and Wales (see Welsh Church Act 1914 ), where the Church of Ireland - already a small minority church - in 1871 and the Church in Wales in 1920 their position as state church lost. The term is not used much these days, although the topic is still relevant.

In November 2012, for example, the excitement did not lead to the earlier decision of the General Synod of the Church of England, women bishops to ordain (revised 2014), to the fact that the House of Commons tried to introduce this measure by the state, which is mainly demonstrated an anti-discrimination parliamentarism, because British politics wanted to continue to interfere in the internal affairs of the Church of England.

In 2014, Nick Clegg , then deputy prime minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats , said the Church of England should no longer be the mainstream church. David Cameron , then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , responded to Clegg's remarks that the position was "a longstanding liberal idea, not a conservative one ".

The word, which is not an artificially created joke word, is a popular example of a long word in the English language , such as Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän in German .


Web links

Wiktionary: antidisestablishmentarianism  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations

References and footnotes

  1. Might versus miter over female bishops , The Guardian , November 22, 2012 (Simon Hoggart) - accessed April 16, 2019
  2. Nick Clegg advocates separation of Church and state ". BBC News. BBC. April 25, 2014 - accessed April 16, 2019
  3. "It's a long-term Liberal idea, but it is not a Conservative one." ( Nick Clegg advocates separation of Church and state . BBC News. BBC. April 25, 2014 : - The BBC report adds the comment that the Queen of the British constitution and Defender of the faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England ( Defender of the faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England ) had and 26 bishops of the Church of England in the seats upper house would have.)