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Antilochos on an Attic red-figure neck amphora. Tithonus painter around 470 BC Chr.

Antilochos ( Greek  Ἀντίλοχος ) is the oldest son of Nestor and Eurydice (or Anaxibia ) in Greek mythology . He was a suitor of the beautiful Helena and for this reason had to take part in the Trojan War . According to another tradition, he came late, against the will of his father and at the intercession of Achilles , who loved him as a companion.

Antilochus died when he rushed to his father's aid and protected him from the Ethiopian Memnon .

Achilles avenged the death of his friend by killing Memnon and arranged a funeral game for him. Antilochus was burned and his ashes were buried next to those of Achilles and Patroclus . In Hades these three and Aias are together.


Web links

Commons : Antilochos  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Antilochus in the Greek Mythology Index (English)

Individual evidence

  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 129.
  2. Flavius ​​Philostratos Heroicus 3, 2.
  3. Homer Iliad 23:556.
  4. Homer Odyssey 4, 187; Pindar Pythias 6, 28.
  5. Homer Odyssey 24, 71-84.
  6. Homer Odyssey 11, 467f., Cf. 3, 109-112.