Antiphos (son of Talaimenes)

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Antiphos ( ancient Greek Ἄντιφος Ántiphos ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was the son of Talaimenes and a nymph, possibly Gygaie, the nymph of the lake gygäischen northwest of Sardis when the passage in Homer is not to refer to the origin of Talaimenes of this lake. Together with his brother Mesthles , Antiphos led the Maionians from the mountains called Tmolos to support the Trojans in their war against the Greeks . In the narrative of the war at Dares , both were killed by Diomedes in battle.



  1. Homer , Iliad 2,864-866; Library of Apollodor Epitome 3.35; Dictys 2.35; Dares 18.
  2. Dares 21