Antoine Ferrand

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Antoine Ferrand (* 1678 in Paris ; † November 6, 1719 ibid) was a French lawyer and libertine poet .


Fleuron on the title page of the Pièces libres de M. Ferrand, 1738

The Ferrand family held the post of Lieutenant particulier au Châtelet in Paris from 1596 . Antoine Ferrand was born in 1678 as the son of Michel Ferrand and the writer Anne Ferrand , née Bellinzani († 1740). The parents separated as early as 1686. From about 1690 to 1996 Antoine Ferrand attended the Jesuit college Louis-le-Grand (today Lycée Louis-le-Grand). In 1702, after studying law, he received the post of Conseiller a la cour des aides de Paris . Antoine Ferrand was part of the epicurean - freethinking circle around Philippe de Vendôme and was known for his libertine, homosexuality including poems and lyrics to melodies by François Couperin . He was close friends with the writer Charlotte de Pelard de Sivry, Comtesse de Fontaines. Together with her he worked on a small opera, the first act of which was set to music by François Collin de Blamont . Antoine Ferrand died in Paris on November 6, 1719.


Antoine Ferrand's permissive poems were largely handwritten during his lifetime. Some of Ferrand's poems appeared in the anthology Recueil de Pièces , published in La Haye in 1715 . In 1738, with the imprint Londres, the Pièces Libres et Poësies de quelques auteurs sur divers sujets appeared posthumously , but only on the first 21 pages contain poems by Ferrand. In addition to weaker, mostly erotic, texts by other authors, the volume ends with the first edition of the Epitre à Uranie and an early version of Le Mondain by Voltaire . The ribbon saw several editions by the end of the 18th century. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart set Ferrand's poem Oiseaux, si tous les ans , KV 307 / 284d to music in Mannheim in the winter of 1777/1778 , which he took from Jean Monnet's anthology françoise, ou Chansons choisies, depuis le 13e siècle jusqu'à présent (p. 119) . Voltaire also valued this poem by Ferrand and compared it in a letter printed in the Gazette litteraire of June 6, 1764, with the poetry of Petrarch .


  • Recueil de Pieces de Poësie , Volume 2, La Haye, 1715.
  • Pièces Libres de M. Ferrand et Poësies de quelques auteurs sur divers sujets , Godwin Harald, Londres, 1738 digitized on Gallica BnF
  • Pièces Libres de M. Ferrand et Poësies de quelques auteurs sur divers sujets , Godwin Harald, Londres, 1744 digitized on Gallica BnF


  • Evrard Titon Du Tillet: CCXVI Antoine Ferrand, In: Le parnasse françois , J.-B. Coignard fils, Paris, 1732, p. 566.
  • Eugène Asse (editor): Lettres de la présidente Ferrand au Baron de Breteuil: suivies de l'histoire des amours de Cléante et de Belise et des poèsies d'Antoine Ferrand, révues sur les éditions originales, augmentées des variants, de nombreuses notes d 'un index et précédées d'une notice biographique , Charpentier, Paris, 1880.
  • Alexandre Cioranescu : Ferrand, Antoine, 1678-1719 . In: Bibliographie de la littérature française du 18me siècle, Paris, Volume 2, 1969, pp. 762-1439.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eugène Asse (editor): Lettres de la présidente Ferrand au Baron de Breteuil: suivies de l'histoire des amours de Cléante et de Belise et des poèsies d'Antoine Ferrand, révues sur les éditions originales, augmentées des variants, de nombreuses notes d'un index et précédées d'une notice biographique , Charpentier, Paris, 1880.