Anton Aškerc

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Anton Aškerc
Memorial plaque to Anton Aškerc in Ljubljana.

Anton Aškerc (born January 9, 1856 in Rimske Toplice , † June 10, 1912 in Ljubljana ) was a Slovenian poet and Catholic priest .

Live and act

Aškerc was born near the town of Rimske Toplice in Slovenian Styria , which was then part of the Austrian Empire , although his exact place of birth is not known because the family was moving.

After finishing school in Celje , he attended the Catholic seminary in Maribor and became a priest in 1880. In the same year he published his first poem entitled Trije popotniki ("The Three Travelers") in the literary magazine Ljubljanski zvon . Since 1881 he published his first collection of poems Balade in romance ("Ballads and Romances") under the pseudonym Gorázd, but in 1890 again under his real name. It was received favorably by readers and critics and criticized by political activists such as Bishop Anton Mahnič , who displeased Aškerc's national, free-thinking and progressive social ideals. He left the priesthood at an early age and worked in the Ljubljana city archives until his death.

On June 7, 1912, Aškerc suffered a stroke and was admitted to the Ljubljana State Hospital, where he died in the early morning hours of June 10, 1912. As an honorary member of the support association for Slovenian writers , the deceased was buried on June 12, 1912 in the association's crypt (St. Christoph cemetery, Ljubljana).

One of the main streets of Ljubljana and many squares in Slovenia are named after Anton Aškerc.

Works (selection)

  • -, Richard Batka : The Last Watch. Dramatic scene. Based on the ballad of the same name by Anton Aškerc, by Richard Batka. Dürerbund for Austria, Prague 1905. - Full text online .
  • Kapitulacija ljubljanske trdnjave pred Francozi l. 1809. (French, German, Slovenian). S. n. , Ljubljana 1911. - Full text online .


Web links

Commons : Anton Aškerc  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Anton Aškerc  - Sources and full texts (Slovenian)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anton Aškerc † . In: Laibacher Zeitung , No. 130/1912, June 10, 1912, p. 1266, center left.
  2. ^ Anton Aškerc's funeral.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Laibacher Zeitung , No. 133/1912, June 13, 1912, p. 1290, center.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  3. ^ Anton Aškerc †. In: Laibacher Zeitung , No. 131/1912, June 11, 1912, p. 1273, center right.


  1. Globoko in southern Styria is given as the place of birth in the death report . - See: Anton Aškerc †. In: Laibacher Zeitung , No. 130/1912, June 10, 1912, p. 1266, center left.