Anton Albertus Herman Kassenaar

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Anton Albertus Herman Kassenaar (born July 20, 1922 in Utrecht , † March 15, 2013 in Arnhem ) was a Dutch biochemist.


Anton Albertus Herman was the son of the later company director in Arnhem Johann Diedrich Christian Kassenaar (* March 1900 in Amsterdam; † December 21, 1980 in Arnhem) and his wife Maria Carolina Hofmeister, who married on September 29, 1921 in Amsterdam (* around 1898 in Oud -Sloten; † May 16, 1985 in Arnhem). He studied chemistry with interruptions from 1940 to 1942 and from 1945 to 1948 at the University of Utrecht . In 1948 he passed his doctoral examination and received his doctorate in March 1952 under Andries Querido (1912-2001) at the University of Leiden , with the thesis De eiwitanabole werking van testosteron en methylandrosteendiol (German: The protein anabolic effect of testosterone and methylandrostenediol ), to the doctor of natural sciences . In 1953 he became head of the laboratory of the Leiden University Clinic and during that time published various papers on the biochemical development in the field of medicine.

In 1956 he received a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship to Columbia University Medical School in New York. On August 10, 1957, he was appointed lecturer in medicinal chemistry at the University of Leiden, which he took up on September 1, 1957 and on May 13, 1958, his introductory speech De bijdrage van de klinische chemie tot het grip van de ziektetoestand (German : The contribution of clinical chemistry to understanding the disease state ) held. On September 16, 1962, he was given a teaching position at the Leiden medical faculty as professor of chemistry of metabolic diseases and pathological chemistry, which he held on June 14, 1963 with the introductory speech Beschouwingen over de tudie van de stofwisselingsporcessen (German: considerations about the studies of metabolic processes ) began. In addition, he worked from 1965 to 1968 as an associate professor of biochemistry at the Erasmus University Rotterdam .

Kassenaar also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leiden university. From 1969 he was dean of the medical faculty, from 1975 he was chairman of the medicine section in the academic council and from 1979 to 1985 he worked as rector of the alma mater , for which he gave the rector's speech in 1980 Van waterkijken tot clinical chemistry (German: Von Wasserbeobachtung zur clinical chemistry). He received recognition for his academic achievements. In 1977 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Keio University in Tokyo, on November 1, 1978 an honorary medical doctorate from the University of Surinam in Paramaribo and in 1985 was awarded the Knightly Order of the Dutch Lion . After resigning from his rector's council, he was released from university service on September 1, 1985 and retired.

Kassenaar married HW Bouwman on March 25, 1949 in Arnhem. The children are known to Carolina W. Kassenaar (* May 1950), Steven Johan Kassenaar (* September 1951) and Paul Alexander Kassenaar (* July 1960).

Works (selection)

  • The egg-titanabolic work of testosterone en methylandrosteendiol. Leiden 1952
  • Biochemical vorderingen op het gebied der geneskunde. Leiden 1956
  • The bijdrage van de clinical chemistry tot het concept van de ziektetoestand. Leiden 1958
  • Beschouwingen over the study of the material science processes. Leiden 1963
  • Van waterkijken tot clinical chemistry. The Hague 1980
  • Ontwikkelingen in de geneeskunde in relatie tot ziekenhuizen. Leiden 1984

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