Anton Henze

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Anton Henze (born September 25, 1913 in Hohehaus ; † July 29, 1983 in Rome ) was a German art historian , cultural journalist and author.


Anton Henze first became a technical employee and then attended the Gymnasium Gymnasium Paulinum in Münster . After graduating from high school in 1935, he studied art history, literary history, philosophy and newspaper studies at the Universities of Münster and Munich. Since 1935 he was a member of the Catholic student union KDSt.V. Sauerlandia Munster . In 1939 he was awarded a doctorate in Münster with a dissertation supervised by Martin Wackernagel . phil. PhD.

After graduating, he became an editor for a newspaper in Münster. After being seriously injured in the war, he returned to Cologne as a journalist in 1943. In the 1950s he worked as a journalist in the features section of the Westfälische Nachrichten in Münster. From 1959 he lived in Rome as a culture correspondent and author of art travel guides.

He was buried on the Campo Santo Teutonico in Rome, where there has also been a bronze plaque for him by Alfonso Hüppi since 1986 .


  • Albrecht Weiland: The Campo Santo Teutonico in Rome and its grave monuments . Volume 1, Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1988, ISBN 3451208822 , pp. 178-179.
  • Henze, Anton , in: German Literature Lexicon. The 20th century. Volume 17: Henze - Hettwer Walter de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2011, ISBN 9783110236934 , col. 1.