Anton Kleinoscheg

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Anton Kleinoscheg (lithograph by Franz Würbel)

Anton Kleinoscheg (born April 5, 1821 in Radkersburg , † April 9, 1897 in Gösting ) was a Styrian sparkling wine manufacturer .


Anton Kleinoscheg was the brother of Johann Kleinoscheg (* March 7, 1818 Oberradkersburg; † November 10, 1896 in Graz), who co-founded the Grazer Eskompte-Bank and the commercial academy, and who was responsible for the beautification of the city such as the Hilnteichanlagen, Hilmwarte and the Grazer Schlossbergbahn tried hard. Anton Kleinoscheg was also the uncle of sports pioneer Max Kleinoscheg (1862–1940) and the father of Fritz Kleinoscheg (1878–1920), who was a pioneer of motorsport.

His brother Johann founded a small sparkling wine factory in Gösting in 1848. After he left the company, Anton joined the company. Together with his brother Ludwig, the Brothers Kleinoscheg sparkling wine factory was unable to expand outside of the country's borders, so a wine shop was set up.

Anton Kleinoscheg visited the French champagne factories in the Marne department to study production. With the new knowledge, a two-and-a-half to three-year production method was converted from 1853 onwards, following the example of the rapid production that is common in France. The success came shortly afterwards; As early as 1855, the first Kleinoscheg products were awarded at the Paris World Exhibition . The company continued to expand. From 1865 Anton Kleinoscheg became the sole owner of the sparkling wine company. The products received awards at exhibitions in Paris, Sydney, Boston, Calcutta, Melbourne, Vienna and various others. The company became an important factor for the Styrian economy. Technical improvements were made to the facilities and trade connections were established with East India, China, Australia, Africa and America.

Anton Kleinoscheg devoted himself to several public institutions. One of the customers was the imperial court. Emperor Franz Joseph I paid a visit to the sparkling wine cellar on July 4, 1883. In the same year Anton Kleinoscheg received the Knight's Cross of the Franz Joseph Order .

The street on which the Kleinoscheg sparkling wine factory was located was named in his honor.


  • Kleinoscheg Anton. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 3, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1965, p. 391.
  • Johann Kleinoscheg . In: Grazer Extrablatt November 12, 1896.
  • Grazer Tagespost of April 10, 1897 and April 12, 1897.
  • Grazer Volksblatt dated April 11, 1897.
  • Grazer Tagblatt dated April 12, 1897.
  • J. Blaschke. Contribution on the history of trades and inventions in Styria , 1873, p. 13.