Anton Kurth

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Anton Kurth is a German voice actor and radio play speaker . The radio play Container-Paul , in which he played as Moritz in 2011, won the MDR Children's Radio Play Prize in 2012 .

Speaking roles


TV Shows

Radio plays

Individual evidence

  1. Children's radio play award for the production of hr2-kultur ( Memento of the original from April 17, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , February 9, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Kuddelmuddel at Pettersson & Findus ,
  3. ^ A b c Anton Kurth in the Deutsche Synchrondatei
  4. ^ Anton Kurth, filmography ,
  5. Mario Göpfert: Radio Play Day: The Sand Elf, Based on the story by Edith Nesbit ,, October 16, 2016
  6. "Australia, I'm coming" - children's radio play by Thilo Reffert , phonostar
  7. ^ Anton Kurth ,
  8. The Amulet of Samarkant - Das Hörspiel , /
  9. ^ Heidi Knetsch, Stefan Richwien, Container-Paule , ARD-Hörspieldatenbank, November 12, 2011
  10. ^ "Emerald", radio play in three parts based on John Stephens ,, November 1, 2012
  11. Cornelia Funke: Lord of Thieves (3rd part: The mysterious carousel) , ARD radio play database, December 26, 2014
  12. Lord of Thieves (2/3): The wing of the lion
  13. Lord of the Thieves (1/3): The hideout of the stars