Anton Rietter

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Anton Rietter (born June 13, 1808 in Stadtamhof ; † November 6, 1866 there ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman , moral theologian and university teacher .


Anton Rietter was born as the son of Anton Rietter and Catharina Rietter, geb. Holitschka, born. He studied at the Lyceum in Regensburg from 1826 to 1830 and entered the clerical seminary in Regensburg in 1830. On August 1, 1831, he was ordained a priest in Regensburg. In 1831 and 1832 he worked as an assistant priest in Hohenschambach ( Hemau parish ). This was followed by doctoral studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich from 1832 to 1834 , which he completed in 1884 with a doctorate as Dr. theol. completed. He then worked as a study teacher and prefect at the Royal Educational Institute in Munich until 1834, from 1835 as a professor of moral theology at the Lyceum in Amberg, and later also for Old Testament exegesis and biblical archeology. 1842 he became professor of moral theology and exegesis at the Lyceum in Regensburg, the forerunner of the philosophical-theological college Regensburg . From 1852 to 1866 he taught as a full professor for moral theology at the LMU Munich. There he also performed the task of university preacher.



  • On the business of reason in the theological evidence, 1832/1833 (diss.).
  • The Morals of Christian Writers in the First Two Centuries. A contribution to the history of Christian ethics, Stadtamhof 1845.
  • The Morals of the Church Fathers of the First Two Centuries, 1845.
  • The life, work and dignity of Jesus Christ, depicted from the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, Regensburg 1846.
  • The way of holy love. An instruction on Christian wisdom, Munich 1856.
  • The holy love natural light and created power, Augsburg 1857.
  • The morality of St. Thomas Aquinas , Munich 1858.
  • Breviary of Christian Ethics, Regensburg / New York 1866.

Sources and literature on Anton Rietter

  • Schematism of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising for the year 1867, Munich 1867, 329; 336 (Nekrolog).
  • Alois KnöpflerRietter, Anton . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, p. 602 f.
  • Ernest Zeller (ed.), Johann v. G. Gierl (addition, revision, register), light and life images of the clergy from the archdiocese of Munich-Freising. 1840-1890, Munich 1892, pp. 182-189.
  • Wilhelm Schenz, The first century of the Lyzeum Albertinum Regensburg as Kgl. Bavarian University (1810–1910), Regensburg 1910, 281f.
  • Stephan Feldhaus, Art. Rietter Anton, in: LThK3 8 (1999) 1185.

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