University preacher

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The university preacher is a professor of ( Protestant ) theology commissioned by the respective university who , in addition to his teaching and research duties, assumes or supervises the organization of church services . These university services usually take place at regular intervals, often in sacred spaces known as university churches. The university services are often themed within a semester . The university sermons are taken over by lecturers from the various university subjects.

There is also the task of university preacher for professors who teach theology on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church.


The office of university preacher is a Prussian invention. First at the old universities of Prussia, and later at the universities in the countries which were conquered by Prussia or which merged with it, these preaching offices arose at the universities. The aim was to ensure that the Prussian state would preach at the university , regardless of the local denomination .

University churches and church services have been held locally at theological faculties since the High Middle Ages. With the Reformation, original religious churches, as in Leipzig, were consecrated to university churches. Originally the professors of the faculty presided over the services. Only at a later time did the mere commissioning develop into an office of its own, the occupation and exercise of which often had university and state political motives.

During the Soviet occupation and in the GDR, university preachers were not allowed to work at the universities. These were reintroduced quite soon after the political change.

Famous university preachers


Today the university preachers see it as their task to bring the scientific nature of academic studies into dialogue with the Christian tradition of the university and the Christian faith in their services at a high level. Here, a concept of worship in the sense of so-called cultural Protestantism often plays a predominant role at almost all universities.

Today's examples

university Emergence Interruption Official
Rostock University 1841 SBZ , GDR
University of Leipzig circa 1830 SBZ, GDR Peter Zimmerling and Alexander Deeg
Christian Albrechts University Kiel Andreas Mueller
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Kristian Fechtner
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald SBZ, GDR, since winter semester 1990/1991 Michael Herbst
Philipps University of Marburg 1667 u. a. 1933-1957 Gerhard Marcel Martin
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg SBZ, GDR Jörg Ulrich
Humboldt University Berlin SBZ, GDR Wilhelm Gräb
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 1845 1939-1949 Christoph Levin (ev.), Marc-Aeilko Aris (rk)
Georg-August-University Goettingen Florian Wilk
Heidelberg University 1838 Helmut Schwier
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg Martin Nicol
University of Hamburg Sonja Keller
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Traugott Roser
Friedrich Schiller University Jena Corinna Dahlgrün

See also


  • Konrad Hammann: University service and enlightenment sermon. Contributions to historical theology, Tübingen 2000, Mohr Siebeck
  • Kristian Fechtner , Stefan Goldschmidt, Helmut Schwier (Eds.): Special issue university church services , liturgy a. Culture. Journal of the Liturgical Conference for Worship, Music and Culture H. 2, 2013

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. News at, accessed on April 2, 2016.
  2. History -, accessed on 12 March 2012 found.
  3. theology at, accessed on 12 March 2012 found.