Jörg Ulrich

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Jörg Ulrich (born June 9, 1960 in Stuttgart ) is a German Protestant theologian specializing in ancient church history .

Ulrich studied theology in Hamburg , Bethel , Tübingen and Durham from 1981 to 1987 . From 1988 to 1990 the vicariate of the Hanover regional church followed in the parish of Arnum and in the Hildesheim seminary and finally the ordination . At the University of Erlangen he was assistant for church history from 1991 to 2001 and in the meantime he was a professor at the University of Jena from 1998 to 2000 and lecturer for church history at the University of Bayreuth from 1996 to 1999 .

From April 1 to August 31, 2002, Ulrich was Professor of Church History at the University of Kiel and since September 1, 2002 Professor of Church History at the Theological Faculty of the University of Halle and since April 2003 University Preacher at the University of Halle. In April 2004 he became visiting professor and in 2005 honorary professor ( adjungeret professor ) at Aarhus University . Jörg Ulrich has been Ephorus of the Evangelical Konvikt Halle since the beginning of the summer semester 2011 .

Ulrich's main research areas are Christianity and Judaism in the time of the early church, theology and church in the turn of the 12th century and the apologists of the 2nd century. He is also interested in religion in modern literature, religious education and university didactics .

Publications (selection)

  • The beginnings of the occidental reception of the Nicene (= Patristic Texts and Studies, Vol. 39). de Gruyter, Berlin New York 1994, ISBN 3-11-014405-0 .
  • Euseb of Caesarea and the Jews. Studies on the role of the Jews in the theology of Eusebius of Caesarea (= Patristic texts and studies. Vol. 49). de Gruyter, Berlin New York 1999, ISBN 3-11-016233-4 (habilitation thesis).
  • Phoebadius of Agen: Polemic against the Arians . Introduced and translated by Jörg Ulrich (= Fontes Christiani . Vol. 38). Herder, Freiburg 1999, ISBN 3-451-23368-1 , ISBN 3-451-23378-9 .
  • with Uta Heil : Examination course in church history. 61 drafts for the 1st theological exam. (= UTB. Vol. 2364). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2002, ISBN 3-525-03239-0 .
  • As editor: Augustine. Confessions-Confessions. Translated by Joseph Bernhart . Verlag der Welteligionen, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-458-70005-0 .
  • The "Canonizatio sanctae Hildegardis" (1233/1243). Notes on an (initially) failed canonization. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, Halle 2017, ISBN 978-3869771557 .

Jörg Ulrich also wrote numerous articles in the Biographical-Bibliographical Church Lexicon (BBKL).

Web links