Fontes Christiani

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Fontes Christiani (Christian source texts) is a series of books in which important Christian source texts from antiquity and the Middle Ages are made accessible. The texts are published in both languages ​​- the original text and the German translation. Some translations appeared for the first time in German. The series has been published since 1990.

Her editors include Norbert Brox , Siegmar Döpp , Wilhelm Geerlings , Gisbert Greshake , Rainer Ilgner and Rudolf Schieffer .

The volumes of its first and second series (of four) were published by Verlag Herder , Freiburg im Breisgau , the volumes of the third series by Verlag Brepols , Turnhout , and the volumes of the fourth series by Verlag Herder. Cardboard and bound editions have different ISBNs.

The published texts cover a wide range of authors, including Caesarius von Heisterbach , Irenaeus of Lyon , Tertullian , Origen from Alexandria , Aphrahat , Gregory of Nazianz , Ambrosius of Milan , Gregory of Nyssa , Theodor of Mopsuestia , Cassiodor , Johannes Philoponos , Petrus Abelardus , Rupert von Deutz and others.

The association for the promotion of "Fontes Christiani" e. V., Fontes Christiani Institute, Ruhr University Bochum . In 2010 the editorial team of Fontes Christiani moved from the University of Bochum to the University of Munich.


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See also


  1. E.g. the virgin mirror ( Speculum virginum )
  2. ^ Fontes Christiani: News , accessed on April 16, 2015.