Hermann Tränkle

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Hermann Tränkle-Schubert (born March 18, 1930 in Augsburg ; † July 13, 2018 ) was a German classical philologist who worked as a professor of Latin philology at the universities of Münster (1963–1971) and Zurich (1971–1997).


Hermann Tränkle was born as the third child of the City Administrator Konrad Tränkle and his wife Maria. Müller born. In 1948 he passed the Abitur at the Benedictine high school near St. Stephan in Augsburg and began studying classical philology, philosophy and history at the University of Munich (among others with Friedrich Klingner and Rudolf Pfeiffer ) as a scholarship holder of the Maximilianeum . 1951 to 1952 he was an exchange student at the Collegio Ghislieri in Pavia . After the first state examination in 1953, he was a grammar school teacher for Latin, Greek and history at the Munich Wilhelmsgymnasium until 1958 . In 1960 he received his doctorate with his dissertation Die Sprachkunst des Properz and the tradition of the Latin poetic language with the grade "summa cum laude". His habilitation followed in 1961 with a critical edition of Tertullian's work Adversus Iudaeos (published 1964).

After two years as a private lecturer in Munich, he accepted a call to the University of Münster as a full professor for Classical Philology (Latin) in 1963 . He became known to a wider public through a lecture at the DAV congress in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1970. In a reply to a lecture by Manfred Fuhrmann , Tränkle took a stand against his suggestions on how the subject of classical philology should be understood in response to the decline in classical education . The debate continued in newspapers and magazines, and both essays appeared that same year. In 1971 Tränkle moved to the University of Zurich as Professor of Classical Philology, especially Latin, where he remained until his retirement (1997). He turned down calls at the Universities of Hamburg (1970) and Munich (1975).

His main research interests are Roman poetry and historiography as well as Christian Latin literature. In the field of poetry, he published studies on Catullus , Properz , Tibullus and Ovid and their successors, including an annotated edition of the Appendix Tibulliana 1999. Among the historians, he examined the writings of Ammianus Marcellinus and Livius , whose history he contrasts with that of Polybius analyzed. In 2008 he published a Latin-German edition of Prudentius ' Contra Symmachum .

Tränkle was married and had three children.

Fonts (selection)

  • The language art of Properz and the tradition of the Latin poetic language (= Hermes . Individual writings. 15). Steiner, Wiesbaden 1960, (at the same time: Munich, Ludwig Maximilians University, dissertation, 1957).
  • as editor: QSF Tertulliani Adversus Iudaeos. With introduction and critical commentary. Steiner, Wiesbaden 1964 (at the same time: Munich, Ludwig Maximilians University, habilitation thesis).
  • with Manfred Fuhrmann : How classic is classical antiquity? A disputation on the current state of classical philology (= Schriften zur Zeit. H. 35, ZDB -ID 516719-x ). Artemis-Verlag, Zurich et al. 1970.
    • Greek translation: Πόσο κλασική είναι η κλασική αρχαιότητα; Ένας διάλογος για τη σημερινή κατάσταση της κλασικής φιλολογίας (= Θεωρία και Μέθοδος. 6). μετάφραση Μίλτος Πεχλιβάνος . Καρδαμίτσα, Αθήνα 1992, ISBN 960-7262-31-Χ .
  • Cato in the fourth and fifth decade of Livius (= Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz. Treatises of the humanities and social sciences class. Born 1971, No. 4, ISSN  0002-2977 ). Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, Mainz 1971.
  • Livy and Polybios. Schwabe, Basel et al. 1977, ISBN 3-7965-0644-5 .
  • as editor: Appendix Tibulliana (= texts and comments . 16). Edited and annotated. de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1999, ISBN 3-11-011301-5 .
  • Prudentius: Contra Symmachum. = Against Symmachus (= Fontes Christiani . Vol. 85). Translated and introduced. Brepols, Turnhout 2008, ISBN 978-2-503-52948-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary. In: NZZ . July 19, 2018. Retrieved July 19, 2018 .