Marianne Schlosser

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Marianne Schlosser at the “Fear of God & Heidenangst” conference of the RPP Institute

Marianne Schlosser (born December 3, 1959 in Donauwörth , Bavaria ) is a German theologian and university professor for theology of spirituality at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna .


Marianne Schlosser studied Latin Philology and Catholic Theology at the University of Munich . In 1985 she passed the examination for licentiate in Catholic theology, in 1989 she received her doctorate in Dr. theol. (Topic: "Cognitio et amor. On the cognitive and voluntative reason for the experience of God according to Bonaventura" - awarded the dissertation prize of the university society). 1998 habilitation they are in professional history of dogma and doctrine with the work Lucerna in caliginoso loco. Aspects of the concept of prophecy in scholastic theology . From 1985 to 2004 she was a research assistant at the Martin Grabmann Institute in Munich, most recently as an academic adviser and private lecturer. In October 2004, Schlosser became university professor for theology of spirituality at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna , which on the occasion of her appointment created its own institute for theology of spirituality and thus achieved a pioneering feat in the German-speaking area.

Her main research interests are theology and spirituality of the patristic and the high Middle Ages, especially the mendicant orders (Bonaventure, Catherine of Siena), the Eucharist and the development of classical texts of Christian spirituality. She is co-editor of the Franciscan source scriptures in German translation.

On September 23, 2014, Pope Francis appointed her to the International Theological Commission for five years . In August 2016 she was appointed by Pope Francis as a member of the Study Commission for the Diaconate of Women.

Schlosser has also been an advisor to the Faith Commission of the German Bishops 'Conference since autumn 2016 and a member of the Theological Commission of the Austrian Bishops' Conference since January 2018 .



Publications in book form

Articles in collective works

  • Freedom, destiny, grace. Or: three Our Father's requests. A theological relecture of the " Lord of the Rings ". In: The Lord of the Rings. Fantasy - Mythology - Theology? With contributions by Knut Backhaus , Thomas Gerold, Karl-Heinz Steinmetz, Marianne Schlosser and Florian Kolbinger, (study volume on the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien ), Aleph-Omega-Verlag, Salzburg 2006, ISBN 3-901636-14-5 .
  • On the Bonaventure Studies of Joseph Ratzinger . In: Joseph ( Benedict XVI. ) Ratzinger: Understanding of Revelation and theology of history of Bonaventura. Habilitation thesis and Bonaventure studies ( Joseph Ratzinger Gesammelte Schriften , Vol. 2), Herder, Freiburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-451-30130-8 , pp. 29–38


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nomina di nuovi Membri e conferme nella Commissione Teologica Internazionale in: Press Office of the Holy See, Daily Bulletin of 23 September 2014
  2. [1]
  3. ^ German theologian Schlosser receives Ratzinger Prize 2018 in: Vatican News, September 20, 2018